Ravi Prasher

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Prasher Honored With Heat Transfer Award - June 17th 2022
Ravi Prasher, associate laboratory director of the Energy Technologies Area and senior scientist in the Thermal Energy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), will receive the 2022 Heat Transfer Memorial Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The prestigious award, established in 1959, recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of heat transfer through teaching, research, practice and design, or a combination of such activities.
Each year, the ASME selects one winner in each of three categories: the science of heat transfer, the art of heat transfer, and the general subject of heat transfer. Prasher has been selected as the recipient in the science category "for fundamental contributions to the science of heat transfer, phase transitions, and chemical reactions, and for engineering novel technologies for thermal management of electronic systems and decarbonize energy systems."
The award will be formally presented at the Heat Transfer Luncheon during the 2022 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) in November in Columbus, Ohio.