Publications: Solar Control:Modeling Optically Complex Fenestration Systems
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Ward, Gregory J, David Geisler-Moroder, Eleanor S Lee, Jacob C Jonsson, and Taoning Wang."Daylight Simulation Workflows Incorporating Measured Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions."Energy and Building
259 (2022).
Wang, Taoning, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee."A Python Library for Radiance Matrix-based Simulation Control and EnergyPlus Integration."IBPSA Building Simulation 2021
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Andrew McNeil, Christian Kohler, Brian E Coffey, and Eleanor S Lee."Modeling solar heat gains of complex fenestration systems using bidirectional scattering distribution functions."
Klems, Joseph H."Solar Heat Gain Through Fenestrations Containing Shading: Procedures for Estimating Performace from Minimal Data."
Klems, Joseph H, and Jeffrey L Warner."Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Complex Fenestrations with a Venetian Blind for Differing Slat Tilt Angles."ASHRAE Symposium
103, Part 1 (1996).
Klems, Joseph H, Jeffrey L Warner, and Guy O Kelley."A Comparison Between Calculated and Measured SHGC For Complex Fenestration Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
102, Part 1 (1995).
Klems, Joseph H, and Guy O Kelley."Calorimetric Measurements of Inward-Flowing Fraction for Complex Glazing and Shading Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
102, Part 1 (1995).
Klems, Joseph H, and Jeffrey L Warner."Measurement of Bidirectional Optical Properties of Complex Shading Devices."ASHRAE Transactions
101, Part 1 (1995).
Klems, Joseph H."A New Method for Predicting the Solar Heat Gain of Complex Fenestration Systems I. Overview and Derivation of the Matrix Layer Calculation."ASHRAE Transactions
100, Part 1 (1993).