Publications: Policy & Regulation
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Pigman, Margaret, Dev Millstein, Natalie Mims Frick, Wanya Chan, and William W Delp."Consumer Benefits of Clean Energy: Climate and health benefits from electrifying residential space and water heating."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Sean Murphy, Dimitra Cappers, and Portia Awuah."Consumer Benefits of Clean Energy: Energy Efficiency."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Sunhee Baik, Mark Bolinger, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Cesca Miller, Dev Millstein, Sean Murphy, Margaret Pigman, and Lisa C Schwartz."Consumer Benefits of Clean Energy: Policy Brief."
Hledik, Ryan, Akhilesh Ramakrishnan, Serena Patel, and Andrew Satchwell."Distributed Energy, Utility Scale: 30 Proven Strategies to Increase VPP Enrollment."
Nelson, Ron, Bradley Cebulko, Thomas Van Hentenryck, Erin Mettler, and Natalie Mims Frick."A Framework for Non-Pipeline Alternatives Analysis and Review of Existing Approaches."
Frick, Natalie Mims."Considering the time and locational value of efficiency in electricity planning."
Wang, Zhaohua, Hao Li, Bin Zhang, Bo Wang, Hao Li, Xin Tian, Jiang Lin, and Wei Feng."Unequal residential heating burden caused by combined heat and power phase-out under climate goals."Nature Energy
(2023). DOI
Ingram, Michael, David Narang, Xiangkun Li, Caitlin Marquis, Debbie Lew, and Sydney Forrester."DER Interconnection Workshop."
Pigman, Margaret, Natalie Mims Frick, Eric Wilson, Andrew Parker, and Elaina Present."End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock: Practical Guidance on Accessing and Using the Data."
Li, Rongling, Andrew Satchwell, Donal Finn, Toke Haunstrup Christensen, Michael Kummert, Jérôme Le Dréau, Rui Amaral Lopes, Henrick Madsen, Jaume Salom, Gregor P Henze, and Kim Wittchen."Ten Questions Concerning Energy Flexibility In Buildings."Building and Environment
223 (2022). DOI
Pigman, Margaret, Jeff Deason, Nancy Wallace, and Paulo Issler."How Does Home Energy Score Affect Home Value and Mortgage Performance?."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Schwartz, Lisa C, David Nemtzow, and Natalie Mims Frick."How to Build a Connected Community: Policies to Promote Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings and Demand Flexibility."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Nemtzow, David, Cynthia Regnier, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Natalie Mims Frick, and Jason S MacDonald."If One GEB is Good, a Community of GEBs is Better."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Schiller, Steven R, Jeff Deason, Greg Leventis, Lisa C Schwartz, and Kelly Parmenter."The Future of Energy Efficiency for U.S. Buildings - Drivers and Market Scenarios."
Schiller, Steven R, Jeff Deason, Kelly Parmenter, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."Future of Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Drivers and Market Expectations."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Lisa C Schwartz."Quantifying grid reliability and resilience impacts of energy efficiency: Examples and opportunities."
Schwartz, Lisa C, Cesca Miller, Sean Murphy, and Natalie Mims Frick."State Indicators for Advancing Demand Flexibility and Energy Efficiency in Buildings."
Frick, Natalie Mims, and Elaina Present."End-Use Load Profiles update: CEE 2021 Summer Program Meeting."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Elaina Present, Eric Wilson, Anthony Fontanini, Andrew Parker, and Janet Reyna."End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock - Technical Advisory Group presentations."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Snuller Price, Lisa C Schwartz, Nichole L Hanus, and Ben Shapiro."Locational Value of Distributed Energy Resources."
Goldman, Charles A, Sean Murphy, Ian M Hoffman, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."What does the future hold for utility electricity efficiency programs?."The Electricity Journal
33.4 (2020). DOI
Schwartz, Lisa C, and Greg Leventis."Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: An Introduction for State and Local Governments."
Earni, Shankar, Philip Coleman, Elizabeth Stuart, and Peter H Larsen."eProject Builder: Promoting wider adoption of energy savings performance contracts through standardization and transparency."energise 2020 ENERGY INNOVATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY
(2020) 300-308.