Publications: Microgrids
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Marnay, Chris, Tao Xu, Yuko Hirase, Patricio Mendoza-Araya, Nikos Hatziargyriou, and Shuai Lu."Microgrids 2025 editorial."Applied Energy
381 (2025) 125348. DOI
Park, Won Young, Nihar Shah, and Amol A Phadke."Enabling access to household refrigeration services through cost reductions from energy efficiency improvements."Energy Efficiency
(2019). DOI
Grover-Silva, Etta, Miguel Heleno, Salman Mashayekh, Gonçalo Cardoso, Robin Girard, and George Kariniotakis."A Stochastic Optimal Power Flow for Scheduling Flexible Resources in Microgrids Operation."
Eto, Joseph H, Robert H Lasseter, David Klapp, Amrit S Khalsa, Ben Schenkman, Mahesh Illindala, and Surya Baktiono."The CERTS Microgrid Concept, as Demonstrated at the CERTS/AEP Microgrid Test Bed."
Cardoso, Gonçalo, Miguel Heleno, and Nicholas DeForest."ROMDST - An Optimal Design Support Tool for Remote, Resilient, and Reliable Microgrids, Phase II - Final Report."
DeForest, Nicholas, Jason S MacDonald, and Douglas R Black."Day ahead optimization of an electric vehicle fleet providing ancillary services in the Los Angeles Air Force Base vehicle-to-grid demonstration."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 987 - 1001. DOI
Jin, Ming, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, and Costas Spanos."Microgrid to enable optimal distributed energy retail and end-user demand response."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 1321 - 1335. DOI
Hartvigsson, Elias, Michael Stadler, and Gonçalo Cardoso."Rural electrification and capacity expansion with an integrated modeling approach."Renewable Energy
115 (2018) 509-520. DOI
Artl, Marie-Louise, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Dean Weng."Hydrogen Storage Applications in Industrial Microgrids."2017 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference
Heleno, Miguel, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Rodrigo De Luis."Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation: MILP vs PSO Comparison in a Real Microgrid Application."Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP) Conference
Armendariz, M, Miguel Heleno, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, and L Nordström."Coordinated Microgrid Investment and Planning Process Considering the System Operator."Applied Energy
200 (2017) 132-140. DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Miguel Heleno, Sreenath Chalil Madathil, Harsha Nagarajan, Russell Bent, Marc Mueller-Stoffels, Xiaonan Lu, and Jianhui Wang."Security-Constrained Design of Isolated Multi-Energy Microgrids."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
33.3 (2017) 2452 - 2462. DOI
Cardoso, Gonçalo, Michael Stadler, Salman Mashayekh, and Elias Hartvigsson."The impact of Ancillary Services in optimal DER investment decisions."Energy
130 (2017) 99-112. DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Miguel Heleno."A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach for Optimal DER Portfolio, Sizing, and Placement in Multi-Energy Microgrids."Applied Energy
187 (2017) 154-168. DOI
Pulcherio, Mariana, Ajit A Renjit, Mahesh Illindala, Joseph H Eto, David Klapp, and Robert H Lasseter."Evaluation of Control Methods to Prevent Collapse of a Mixed Source Microgrid."IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
52.6 (2016). DOI
Khalsa, Amrit S, and Surya Baktiono."CERTS Microgrid Test Bed Battery Energy Storage System Report: Phase 1."
Mammoli, Andrea A, Bhuwanbabu Bastola, Steve Willard, Dean Weng, Arindam Maitra, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, and Pablo Fontela Martinez."Optimization of Investments to Upgrade an Island Distribution System."CIGRE US National Committee, 2016 Grid of the Future Symposium
Schittekatte, Tim, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, and Sankar Narayanan."The Impact of Short-term Stochastic Variability in Solar Irradiance on Optimal Microgrid Design."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
PP.99 (2016). DOI
Pulcherio, Mariana, Ajit A Renjit, Mahesh Illindala, Amrit S Khalsa, and Joseph H Eto."Evaluation of control methods to prevent prime-mover stalling in a mixed source microgrid."IEEE Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference
(2016). DOI
Tulabing, Ryan, Rongxin Yin, Nicholas DeForest, Yaping Li, Ke Wang, Taiyou Yong, and Michael Stadler."Modeling Study on Flexible Load’s Demand Response Potentials for Providing Ancillary Services at the Substation Level."
Yin, Rongxin, Emre C Kara, Yaping Li, Nicholas DeForest, Ke Wang, Taiyou Yong, and Michael Stadler."Quantifying Flexibility of Commercial and Residential Loads for Demand Response using Setpoint Changes."
Stadler, Michael, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Thibault Forget, Nicholas DeForest, Ankit Agarwal, and Anna Schönbein."Value Streams in Microgrids: A Literature Review."Applied Energy
162 (2016) 980-989. DOI
Bernhard, Kossak, and Michael Stadler."Adaptive Thermal Zone Modeling Including the Storage Mass of the Building Zone."Energy and Buildings Journal by Elsevier
109 (2015). DOI
Lee, Eleanor S, Christoph Gehbauer, Brian E Coffey, Andrew McNeil, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Integrated control of dynamic facades and distributed energy resources for energy cost minimization in commercial buildings."Solar Energy
122 (2015) 1384–1397. DOI