2015 Workshop on Fault-Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) & Dynamic Load Modeling
Publication Type
Date Published
The workshop seeks to bring together the power system and end-use manufacturing communities to review jointly what is now known about FIDVR and the related activities currently underway to ensure the reliability of the U.S. electric power system.
Workshop Objectives:
- Increase understanding of FIDVR fundamentals for utilities and manufacturing communities
- Present findings from DOE- and industry-sponsored efforts to better understand and address FIDVR:
- End-use equipment testing
- Distribution system monitoring
- Distribution and transmission system modeling studies
- Enhanced load models and load modeling tools
- Utility-led planning studies using enhanced load models
- Sensitivities studies to address uncertainty
Workshop Sessions:
Session One: Current State of Load Modeling
Session Two: Fundamentals, Testing, and Modeling of Air Conditioners
Session Three: Manufacturing Perspectives, Future Trends, and Technologies (Panel Session)
Session Five: Field Measurements
Session Six: Composite Load Modeling & System Studies (Panel Session)
Joint US DOE/NERC Workshop
Year of Publication
Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, Grid Integration Group, Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS)