Efficient and Healthy Schools Program Launches Recognition for Schools

Berkeley Lab’s Energy Technologies Area staff have provided technical support to the Efficient and Healthy Schools Program since its launch in 2021. The team supporting this program includes staff from Berkeley Lab’s Energy Technologies Area who helped design and administer the program, including technical assistance and recognition for schools and districts. The program team works collaboratively with New Buildings Institute to provide assistance to schools and districts in their submissions for recognition relevant to energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality projects and retrofits.
Categories for recognition include:
Data Detective. Honoring schools and districts who demonstrate best practices to assess, benchmark, and utilize building data to prioritize school improvements.
Retrofit Revolutionary. Honoring schools and districts that showcase exemplary retrofit projects to improve energy efficiency, resilience, and promote a healthy learning environment.
Performance Pro. Honoring schools and districts who strive for continuous improvement through operations and maintenance (O&M) activities, performance evaluation, and retro commissioning (RCx).
Solutions Strategist. Honoring schools and districts that build on project successes to advance and develop district-wide plans, and committed goals to sustained improvements of their school buildings.
“We are so honored and humbled to be named Best in Class in the category of Energy Efficiency Plus Health. It has been such a helpful, educational, and inspirational experience for us to partake in the Efficient and Healthy Schools Campaign,” said Katherine Walsh, Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Program Director at Boston Public Schools. “We have learned a lot from you and your team of experts - thank you for providing such important resources and support to K-12 schools." Check out projects from last year’s recognition honorees.
As part of the Efficient and Healthy Schools Program, schools can gain access to direct technical assistance, peer-to-peer learning and cohort webinars, and resources to help implement projects. Free technical assistance focuses on practical solutions such as benchmarking, retrofit plan development and review, and indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring guidance. Sign-up today to get access to free technical assistance.
The program is hosting a webinar on December 14th for both schools and school supporters to learn more about the program and its recognition opportunities, process, and support. All are welcome to join!