Publications: EAEI Healthy & Efficient Buildings
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Wei, Max, Gregory J Rosenquist, Katie Coughlin, Edward Cubero, Chao Ding, Thomas A Burke, Omar Abdelaziz, Jackson Thach, Anthony Ng, Jonah Steinbuck, and Drew Bohan."Benefits and Challenges in Using Low GWP A3 Refrigerants in Residential Air Condition Equipment."
de Mesquita, P. Jacob Bueno, William W Delp, Wanyu R Chan, William P Bahnfleth, and Brett C Singer."Control of airborne infectious disease in buildings: evidence and research priorities."Indoor Air
(2021). DOI
Singer, Brett C, Haoran Zhao, Chelsea V Preble, William W Delp, Jovan Pantelic, Michael D Sohn, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Measured Influence of Overhead HVAC on Exposure to Airborne Contaminants from Simulated Speaking in a Meeting and a Classroom."Indoor Air
(2021). DOI
Tang, Xiaochen, Olivier Rosseler, Sharon S Chen, Sébastien Houzé de l’Aulnoit, Michael J Lussier, Jiachen Zhang, George Ban Weiss, Haley E Gilbert, Ronnen M Levinson, and Hugo Destaillats."Self-cleaning and de-pollution efficacies of photocatalytic architectural membranes."Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
(2021). DOI
Fisk, William J, Pawel Wargocki, and Xiaojing Zhang."Do Indoor CO2 Levels Directly Affect Perceived Air Quality, Health, or Work Performance?."ASHRAE Journal
Huang, Sen, Ana Carolina Laurini Malara, Wangda Zuo, and Michael D Sohn."A Bayesian network model for the optimization of a chiller plant’s condenser water set point."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
11.1 (2018) 36 - 47. DOI
Singer, Brett C, and William W Delp."Response of consumer and research grade indoor air quality monitors to residential sources of fine particles."Indoor Air
28.4 (2018) 624-639. DOI
Huang, Sen, Wangda Zuo, and Michael D Sohn."A Bayesian Network model for predicting cooling load of commercial buildings."Building Simulation
11.1 (2018) 87 - 101. DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Seongeun Jeong, Vi H Rapp, and Zhimin Zhu."An Estimate of Natural Gas Methane Emissions from California Homes."Environmental Science & Technology
(2018). DOI
Hang, Bo, Yunshan Wang, Yurong Huang, Pin Wang, Sasha A Langley, Lei Bi, Altaf H Sarker, Suzaynn F Schick, Christopher Havel, Peyton Jacob III, Neal L Benowitz, Hugo Destaillats, Xiaochen Tang, Yankai Xia, Kuang-Yu Jen, Lara A Gundel, Jian-Hua Mao, and Antoine M Snijders."Short-term early exposure to thirdhand cigarette smoke increases lung cancer incidence in mice."Clinical Science
132.4 (2018) 475-488. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Vagelis Vossos, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, Bruce Nordman, and Richard E Brown."A simulation-based efficiency comparison of AC and DC power distribution networks in commercial buildings."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 1167-1187. DOI
Wilson, Daniel L, Vi H Rapp, Julien J Caubel, Sharon S Chen, and Ashok J Gadgil."Verifying mixing in dilution tunnels: How to ensure cookstove emissions samples are unbiased."
Fisk, William J."The Ventilation Problem in Schools: Literature Review."Indoor Air
27.6 (2017) 1039-1051. DOI
Ge, Jing, Wei Feng, Nan Zhou, Mark D Levine, and Carolyn Szum."Accelerating energy efficiency in China’s existing commercial buildings Part 2: Solutions and policy recommendations ."
Tian, Wei, Thomas Alonso Sevilla, Wangda Zuo, and Michael D Sohn."Coupling fast fluid dynamics and multizone airflow models in Modelica Buildings library to simulate the dynamics of HVAC systems."Building and Environment
122 (2017) 269 - 286. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Rebecca Zarin Pass, William W Delp, David M Lorenzetti, and Randy L Maddalena."Pollutant concentrations and emission rates from natural gas cooking burners without and with range hood exhaust in nine California homes."Building and Environment
122 (2017) 215 - 229. DOI
Nordman, Bruce, Aditya Khandekar, Michael Spears, and Mattia Pezzola."A Simulation of Local Power Distribution Control Strategies."2017 IEEE Second International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM)
(2017). DOI
Logue, Jennifer M, Mohamad Sleiman, V.Nahuel Montesinos, Marion L Russell, Marta I Litter, Neal L Benowitz, Lara A Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."Emissions from electronic cigarettes: Assessing vapers’ intake of toxic compounds, secondhand exposures and the associated health impacts."Environmental Science & Technology
51.16 (2017) 9271-9279. DOI
Ohshita, Stephanie, Jingjing Zhang, Li Yang, Min Hu, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Shuang Liu, Ang Li, Miao Sun, and Nan Zhou."China Green Low-Carbon City Index."
Feng, Wei, Xiwang Li, Carolyn Szum, Nan Zhou, Michael Bendewald, Zihe Meng, and Yani Zeng."From Prescriptive to Outcome-Based — The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Standards in China."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Schlein, Bruce, Carolyn Szum, Nan Zhou, Jing Ge, and Helen He."Lessons from Europe, North America, and Asia: Financing Models that are Facilitating Building Energy Efficiency at Scale."ECEEE 2017
Szum, Carolyn, Nan Zhou, Sara Lisauskas, Madeline Frieze, Xi Chen, and Zhiming Pan."Lessons from the United States and China for Increasing Transparency and Harmonizing Measurement and Verification Practices in the Buildings Sector."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain S Walker, and William W Delp."Development of a Standard Test Method for Reducing the Uncertainties in Measuring the Capture Efficiency of Range Hoods."
Fisk, William J, and Wanyu R Chan."Effectiveness and cost of reducing particle-related mortality with particle filtration."Indoor Air
(2017). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Tianzhen Hong, William J Fisk, Norman Bourassa, Wanyu R Chan, Yixing Chen, H.Y Iris Cheung, Toshifumi Hotchi, Margarita Kloss, Sang Hoon Lee, Phillip N Price, Oren Schetrit, Kaiyu Sun, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, and Rongpeng Zhang."Small and Medium Building Efficiency Toolkit and Community Demonstration Program."
(2017). DOI