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X Author: Z Lu
Lu, Z, C Serrao, A.I Khan, J.D Clarkson, J.C Wong, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S Salahuddin."Electrically induced, non-volatile, metal insulator transition in a ferroelectric-controlled MoS2 transistor."Applied Physics Letters
112 (2018). DOI
Khan, A.I, M Hoffmann, K Chatterjee, Z Lu, R Xu, C Serrao, S Smith, L.W Martin, C Hu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S Salahuddin."Differential voltage amplification from ferroelectric negative capacitance."Applied Physics Letters
111 (2017). DOI
Bakaul, S.R, C.R Serrao, O Lee, Z Lu, Ajay K Yadav, C Carraro, R Maboudian, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S Salahuddin."High Speed Epitaxial Perovskite Memory on Flexible Substrates."Advanced Materials
29 (2017). DOI
Wang, C W, X Ke, J Wang, R Liang, Z Luo, Y Tian, D Yi, Q Zhang, J Wang, X.-F Han, G Van Tendeloo, L.-Q Chen, C.-W Nan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and J Zhang."Ferroelastic switching in a layered-perovskite thin film."Nature Communications
7 (2016). DOI
Khan, A.I, K Chatterjee, J.P Duarte, Z Lu, A Sachid, S Khandelwal, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, C Hu, and S Salahuddin."Negative Capacitance in Short-Channel FinFETs Externally Connected to an Epitaxial Ferroelectric Capacitor."IEEE Electron Device Letters
37 (2016) 111-114. DOI