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X Author: Y Tang
Everhardt, A.S, M Dc, X Huang, S Sayed, T.A Gosavi, Y Tang, C.-C Lin, S Manipatruni, I.A Young, S Datta, J.-P Wang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Tunable charge to spin conversion in strontium iridate thin films."Physical Review Materials
3 (2019). DOI
Chen, Z, Z Chen, C.-Y Kuo, Y Tang, L.R Dedon, Q Li, L Zhang, C Klewe, Y.-L Huang, B Prasad, A Farhan, M Yang, J.D Clarkson, S Das, S Manipatruni, A Tanaka, P Shafer, E Arenholz, A Scholl, Y.-H Chu, Z.Q Qiu, Z Hu, L.-H Tjeng, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L.-W Wang, and L.W Martin."Complex strain evolution of polar and magnetic order in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films."Nature Communications
9 (2018). DOI