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X Author: Xianghui Xiao
Leonard, Emily, Andrew D Shum, Nemanja Danilovic, Christopher Capuano, Katherine E Ayers, Lalit M Pant, Adam Z Weber, Xianghui Xiao, Dilworth Y Parkinson, and Iryna V Zenyuk."Interfacial analysis of a PEM electrolyzer using X-ray computed tomography."Sustainable Energy & Fuels
(2020). DOI
Shum, Andrew D, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Xianghui Xiao, Adam Z Weber, Odne S Burheim, and Iryna V Zenyuk."Investigating Phase‐Change‐Induced Flow in Gas Diffusion Layers in Fuel Cells with X‐ray Computed Tomography."Electrochimica Acta
256 (2017) 279 - 290. DOI