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X Author: Vijay A Sethuraman
Nadimpalli, Siva P. V, Vijay A Sethuraman, Giovanna Bucci, Venkat Srinivasan, Allan F Bower, and Pradeep R Guduru."On plastic deformation and fracture in Si films during electrochemical lithiation/delithiation cycling."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
160.10 (2013) A1885-A1893. DOI
Sethuraman, Vijay A, Venkat Srinivasan, and John S Newman."Analysis of electrochemical lithiation and delithiation kinetics in silicon."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
160.2 (2012) A394-A403. DOI
Chon, Michael J, Vijay A Sethuraman, Anthony McCormick, Venkat Srinivasan, and Pradeep R Guduru."Real-time measurement of stress and damage evolution during initial lithiation of crystalline silicon."Physical Review Letters
107.4 (2011). DOI
Sethuraman, Vijay A, Kristin Kowolik, and Venkat Srinivasan."Increased cycling efficiency and rate capability of copper-coated silicon anodes in lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
196.1 (2011) 393-398. DOI
Sethuraman, Vijay A, Venkat Srinivasan, Allan F Bower, and Pradeep R Guduru."In situ measurements of stress-potential coupling in lithiated silicon."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
157.11 (2010) A1253-A1261. DOI
Sethuraman, Vijay A, Michael J Chon, Maxwell Shimshak, Venkat Srinivasan, and Pradeep R Guduru."In situ measurements of stress evolution in silicon thin films during electrochemical lithiation and delithiation."Journal of Power Sources
195.15 (2010) 5062-5066. DOI
Sethuraman, Vijay A, Laurence J Hardwick, Venkat Srinivasan, and Robert Kostecki."Surface structural disordering in graphite upon lithium intercalation/deintercalation."Journal of Power Sources
195.11 (2010) 3655-3660. DOI
Persson, Kristin A, Vijay A Sethuraman, Laurence J Hardwick, Yoyo Hinuma, Ying Shirley Meng, Anton Van der Ven, Venkat Srinivasan, Robert Kostecki, and Gerbrand Ceder."Lithium diffusion in graphitic carbon."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
1.8 (2010) 1176-1180. DOI
Sethuraman, Vijay A, Laurence J Hardwick, Venkat Srinivasan, and Robert Kostecki."A Study of the Mechanism of Surface Structural Disordering in Graphite upon Lithium Intercalation/Deintercalation."Journal of Power Sources