Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Timothy E Lipman
Weber, Adam Z, Timothy E Lipman, and Robert A Meyers."Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production: Introduction."Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
(2018) 1 - 8. DOI
Wei, Max, Timothy E Lipman, Ahmad Mayyas, Joshua Chien, Shuk Han Chan, David Gosselin, Hanna Breunig, Michael Stadler, Thomas E McKone, Paul Beattie, Patricia Chong, Whitney G Colella, and Brian D James."A Total Cost of Ownership Model for Low Temperature PEM Fuel Cells in Combined Heat and Power and Backup Power Applications."
McKone, Thomas E, William W Nazaroff, Peter Berck, Maximilian Auffhammer, Timothy E Lipman, Margaret S Torn, Eric R Masanet, Agnes B Lobscheid, Nicholas J Santero, Umakant Mishra, Audrey Barrett, Matt Bomberg, Kevin Fingerman, Corinne D Scown, Bret Strogen, and Arpad Horvath."Grand Challenges for Life-Cycle Assessment of Biofuels."Environmental Science & Technology
45.5 (2011) 1751 - 1756. DOI
Norwood, Zack, Timothy E Lipman, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Assessment of Combined Heat and Power System "Premium Power" Applications in California."International Journal of Distributed Energy Resources
6.2 (2010) 131-147.
Norwood, Zack, Timothy E Lipman, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Assessment of the Combined Heat and Power System "Premium Power" Applications in California."
(2010) 23.
Norwood, Zack, Timothy E Lipman, Chris Marnay, and Daniel M Kammen."Assessment of the Combined Heat and Power System "Premium Power" Applications in California FINAL REPORT."
(2010) 36.
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Cardoso, Timothy E Lipman, Olivier Mégel, Srirupa Ganguly, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Judy Lai."The CO2 Abatement Potential of California’s Mid-Sized Commercial Buildings."
(2010) 71.
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Cardoso, Timothy E Lipman, Olivier Mégel, Srirupa Ganguly, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Judy Lai."The CO2 Reduction Potential of Combined Heat and Power in California's Commercial Buildings."Clean Tech Law & Business Journal
(2010) 16.
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Cardoso, Timothy E Lipman, Olivier Mégel, Srirupa Ganguly, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Judy Lai."The CO2 Reduction Potential of Combined Heat and Power in California’s Commercial Buildings."CleanTech Law and Business Review
(2009) 19.
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Timothy E Lipman, Judy Lai, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Olivier Mégel."Greenhouse Gas Abatement with Distributed Generation in California's Commercial Buildings."6th Annual California Climate Change Research Symposium
Stadler, Michael, and Timothy E Lipman."California CHP Greenhouse Gas Abatement: Contribution of Medium-Sized Commercial Buildings."
Stadler, Michael, Timothy E Lipman, and Chris Marnay."Aktuelle Trends in der dezentralen KWK Technologie Integration – Das kalifornische Fördermodell und dessen Implikation für die Endenergieeffizienzrichtlinie."Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, February 14-16, 2007
Stadler, Michael, Timothy E Lipman, and Chris Marnay."Current trends of decentralized CHP integration – The Californian investment subsidy system and its implication for the energy efficiency directive."
(2007) 16.
Stadler, Michael, Timothy E Lipman, Chris Marnay, and Vince McDonell."Pacific Region CHP Application Center for California, Nevada, and Hawaii - Task 1.3 Case Studies."
Akhil, Abbas A, Chris Marnay, and Timothy E Lipman."Review of Test Facilities for Distributed Energy Resources."
(2003) 45.