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X Author: Timothy D Mount
Thomas, Robert J, Timothy D Mount, Richard Schuler, William Schulze, Ray Zimmerman, Fernando L Alvarado, Bernard Lesieutre, Philip Overholt, and Joseph H Eto."Efficient and Reliable Reactive Power Supply and Consumption - Insights from an Integrated Program of Engineering and Economics Research."The Electricity Journal
21.1 (2008) 70–81. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Charles A Goldman, Grayson C Heffner, Brendan J Kirby, John D Kueck, Michael Kintner-Meyer, Jeffery E Dagle, Timothy D Mount, William Schulze, Robert J Thomas, and Ray Zimmerman."Innovative Developments in Load as a Reliability Resource."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting
(2002) 3. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Jeffery E Dagle, Fernando L Alvarado, Timothy D Mount, Shmuel S Oren, and Carlos A Martinez."An R&D agenda to enhance electricity system reliability by increasing customer participation in emerging competitive markets."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001
(2001) 247-251 vol.1. DOI