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X Author: S.X Wang
Chu, Y.-H, L.W Martin, M.B Holcomb, M Gajek, S.-J Han, Q He, N Balke, C.-H Yang, D Lee, W Hu, Q Zhan, P.-L Yang, A Fraile-Rodríguez, A Scholl, S.X Wang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric-field control of local ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic."Nature Materials
7 (2008) 478-482. DOI
Chu, Y.-H, L.W Martin, M.B Holcomb, M Gajek, S.-J Han, Q He, N Balke, C.-H Yang, D Lee, W Hu, Q Zhan, P.-L Yang, A Fraile-Rodríguez, A Scholl, S.X Wang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electric-field control of local ferromagnetism using a magnetoelectric multiferroic (Nature Materials (2008) 7, (478-482))."Nature Materials
7 (2008) 678. DOI
Martin, L.W, Y.-H Chu, M.B Holcomb, M Huijben, P Yu, S.-J Han, D Lee, S.X Wang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Nanoscale control of exchange bias with BiFeO 3 thin films."Nano Letters
8 (2008) 2050-2055. DOI
Martin, L.W, Y.-H Chu, Q Zhan, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.-J Han, S.X Wang, M Warusawithana, and D.G Schlom."Room temperature exchange bias and spin valves based on BiFeO 3/SrRuO3SrTi/O3/Si (001) heterostructures."Applied Physics Letters
91 (2007). DOI