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X Author: S Okamoto
Yi, D, J F Liu, S Okamoto, S Jagannatha, Y.-C Chen, P Yu, Y.-H Chu, E Arenholz, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Tuning the competition between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism in a half-doped manganite through magnetoelectric coupling."Physical Review Letters
111 (2013). DOI
Yu, P, J.-S Lee, S Okamoto, M.D Rossell, M Huijben, C.-H Yang, Q He, J.X Zhang, S.Y Yang, M.J Lee, Q.M Ramasse, R Erni, Y.-H Chu, D.A Arena, C.-C Kao, L.W Martin, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Interface ferromagnetism and orbital reconstruction in BiFeO 3-La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI
Borisevich, A.Y, H.J Chang, M Huijben, M.P Oxley, S Okamoto, M.K Niranjan, J.D Burton, E.Y Tsymbal, Y.H Chu, P Yu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.V Kalinin, and S.J Pennycook."Suppression of octahedral tilts and associated changes in electronic properties at epitaxial oxide heterostructure interfaces."Physical Review Letters
105 (2010). DOI