Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Robert K Cheng
Rapp, Vi H, Robert K Cheng, and Peter L Therkelsen."A high turndown, ultra low emission low-swirl burner for natural gas, on-demand water heaters."
Therkelsen, Peter L, Robert K Cheng, and Darren Sholes."Research and Development of Natural Draft Ultra-Low Emissions Burners for Gas Appliances."
Therkelsen, Peter L, J. J Enrique Portillo, David Littlejohn, Scott M Martin, and Robert K Cheng."Self-induced unstable behaviors of CH4 and H2/CH4 flames in a model combustor with a low-swirl injector."Combustion and Flame
160.2 (2013) 307 - 321. DOI
Davis, Dustin W, Peter L Therkelsen, David Littlejohn, and Robert K Cheng."Effects of Hydrogen on the Thermo-Acoustics Coupling Mechanisms of Low-Swirl Injector Flames in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
34.2 (2013) 3135–3143. DOI
Beerer, David, Vincent McDonnell, Peter L Therkelsen, and Robert K Cheng."Flashback, Blow out, Emissions and Turbulent Displacement Flame Speed Measurements in a Hydrogen and Methane Fired Low-Swirl Injector at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures”."ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Power for Land, Sea and Air
Therkelsen, Peter L, David Littlejohn, and Robert K Cheng."Parametric Study of Low-Swirl Injector Geometry on it Operability."ASME TurboExpo
Littlejohn, David, Robert K Cheng, David R Noble, and Tim Lieuwen."Laboratory Investigations of Low-Swirl Injectors Operating With Syngases."Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
132.1 (2009) 011502-011509. DOI
Cheng, Robert K, David Littlejohn, Peter A Strakey, and Todd Sidwell."Laboratory Investigations of a Low-swirl Injector with H2 and CH4 at Gas Turbine Conditions."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
32.2 (2009) 3001-3009. DOI
Cheng, Robert K."Turbulent Combustion Properties of Premixed Syngases."Synthesis Gas Combustion
1 (2009) 129-168.
Cheng, Robert K, and David Littlejohn."Effects of Combustor Geometry on the Flowfields and Flame Properties of A Low-Swirl Injector."ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
3 (2008). DOI
Cheng, Robert K, and David Littlejohn."Laboratory Study of Premixed H2-Air and H2-N2-Air Flames in a Low-Swirl Injector for Ultra-Low Emissions Gas Turbines."Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
130.3 (2008) 31503-31511. DOI
Cheng, Robert K, David Littlejohn, Wazeer A Nazeer, and Kenneth O Smith."Laboratory Studies of the Flow Field Characteristics of Low-Swirl Injectors for Application to Fuel-Flexible Turbines."ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air
1 (2008) 21501-21511. DOI
Cheng, Robert K, David Littlejohn, David R Noble, and Tim Lieuwen."Laboratory Investigations of Low-Swirl Injectors Operating With Syngases."ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land Sea and Air, June 9–13, 2008
Volume 3: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B (2008). DOI
Cheng, Robert K, Howard Levinsky, and Derek Dunn-Rankin."Lean Premixed Burners."Lean Combustion
(2008) 161-177. DOI
Gotoda, Hiroshi, Toshihisa Ueda, Ian G Shepherd, and Robert K Cheng."Flame flickering frequency on a rotating Bunsen burner."Chemical Engineering Science
62 (2007) 1753-1759. DOI
Bell, John B, Robert K Cheng, Marcus S Day, and Ian G Shepherd."Numerical simulation of Lewis number effects on lean premixed turbulent flames."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
31.1 (2007) 1309-1317. DOI
Johnson, Matthew R, David Littlejohn, Wazeer A Nazeer, Kenneth O Smith, and Robert K Cheng."A Comparison of Flowfields and Emmissions of High-Swirl Injectors and Low-Swirl Injectors for Lean Premixed Gas Turbines."Proceddings of the Combustion Institute
30.2 (2005) 2867-2874. DOI
Gotoda, Hiroshi, Kazuyuki Maeda, Toshihisa Ueda, and Robert K Cheng."Periodic motion of a Bunsen flame tip with burner rotation."Combustion And Flame
134.1-2 (2003) 67-79. DOI
Cheng, Robert K, Ian G Shepherd, Benoit Bédat, and Lawrence Talbot."Premixed turbulent flame structures in moderate and intense isotropic turbulence."Combusition Science and Technology
174.1 (2002) 29-59. DOI
Littlejohn, David, Adrian J Majeski, Shaheen R Tonse, Carlo Castaldini, and Robert K Cheng."Laboratory investigation of an ultralow NOx premixed combustion concept for industrial boilers."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
29 (2002) 1115-1121. DOI
Shepherd, Ian G, Robert K Cheng, Tobias Plessing, Christoph Kortschik, and Norbert Peters."Premixed Flame Font Structure in Intense Turbulence."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
29.2 (2002) 1833-1840. DOI
Shepherd, Ian G, and Robert K Cheng."The burning rate of premixed flames in moderate and intense turbulence."Combustion and Flame
127.3 (2001) 2066-2075. DOI
Cheng, Robert K, Benoit Bédat, and Larry W Kostiuk."Effects of buoyancy on lean premixed V-flames Part I: laminar and turbulent flame structures."Combustion And Flame
116 (1999) 360-375. DOI
Yegian, Derek T, and Robert K Cheng."Development of a lean premixed low-swirl burner for low NOx practical applications."Combusition Science and Technology
139 (1998) 207-227. DOI
Bédat, Benoit, and Robert K Cheng."Effects of buoyancy on premixed flame stabilization."Combustion and Flame
107.1-2 (1996) 13-26. DOI