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X Author: R Xu
Taz, H, B Prasad, Y.-L Huang, Z Chen, S.-L Hsu, R Xu, V Thakare, T.S Sakthivel, C Liu, M Hettick, R Mukherjee, S Seal, L.W Martin, A Javey, G Duscher, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and R Kalyanaraman."Integration of amorphous ferromagnetic oxides with multiferroic materials for room temperature magnetoelectric spintronics."Scientific Reports
10 (2020). DOI
Khan, A.I, M Hoffmann, K Chatterjee, Z Lu, R Xu, C Serrao, S Smith, L.W Martin, C Hu, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S Salahuddin."Differential voltage amplification from ferroelectric negative capacitance."Applied Physics Letters
111 (2017). DOI
Agar, J.C, S Pandya, R Xu, A.K Yadav, Z Liu, T Angsten, S Saremi, M Asta, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and L.W Martin."Frontiers in strain-engineered multifunctional ferroic materials."MRS Communications
6 (2016) 151-166. DOI