Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Peter Mackin
Eto, Joseph H, John Undrill, Peter Mackin, and Jeffrey Ellis."Frequency Control Requirements for Reliable Interconnection Frequency Response."Interconnection Frequency Response
Undrill, John, Peter Mackin, and Jeffrey Ellis."Relating the Microcosm Simulations to Full-Scale Grid Simulations."Interconnection Frequency Response
Mackin, Peter, Ron Daschmans, Ben Williams, Brian Haney, Randy Hunt, Jeff Ellis, and Joseph H Eto."Dynamic Simulation Study of the Frequency Response of the Western Interconnection with Increased Wind Generation."2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
(2013) 2222 - 2229. DOI
Mackin, Peter, Ron Daschmans, Ben Williams, Brian Haney, Randy Hunt, and Jeff Ellis."Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation."
(2010) 142.
Eto, Joseph H, John Undrill, Peter Mackin, Ron Daschmans, Ben Williams, Brian Haney, Randy Hunt, Jeff Ellis, Howard F Illian, Carlos A Martinez, Mark O'Malley, Katie Coughlin, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess the Planning and Operating Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation."
(2010) 141.