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X Author: O Auciello
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, N.J Podraza, X.S Xu, R.C Rai, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, E Saiz, J.F Ihlefeld, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J Orenstein, J.L Musfeldt, and V Gopalan."Magnon sidebands and spin-charge coupling in bismuth ferrite probed by nonlinear optical spectroscopy."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
79 (2009). DOI
Ramirez, M.O, A Kumar, S.A Denev, Y.H Chu, J Seidel, L.W Martin, S.-Y Yang, R.C Rai, X.S Xue, J.F Ihlefeld, N.J Podraza, E Saiz, S Lee, J Klug, S.W Cheong, M.J Bedzyk, O Auciello, D.G Schlom, J Orenstein, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J.L Musfeldt, A.P Litvinchuk, and V Gopalan."Spin-charge-lattice coupling through resonant multimagnon excitations in multiferroic BiFe O3."Applied Physics Letters
94 (2009). DOI
Nagarajan, V, A Roytburd, A Stanishevsky, S Prasertchoung, T Zhao, L Chen, J Melngailis, O Auciello, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Dynamics of ferroelastic domains in ferroelectric thin films."Nature Materials
2 (2003) 43-47. DOI
Fan, W, S Saha, J.A Carlisle, O Auciello, R.P.H Chang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Layered Cu-based electrode for high-dielectric constant oxide thin film-based devices."Applied Physics Letters
82 (2003) 1452-1454. DOI
Fan, W, B Kabius, J.M Miller, S Saha, J.A Carlisle, O Auciello, R.P.H Chang, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Materials science and integration bases for fabrication of (Ba xSr1-x)TiO3 thin film capacitors with layered Cu-based electrodes."Journal of Applied Physics
94 (2003) 6192-6200. DOI
Auciello, O, A.M Dhote, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, B.T Liu, S Aggarwal, A.H Mueller, N.A Suvarova, and E.A Irene."Development of materials integration strategies for electroceramic film-based devices via complementary in situ and ex situ studies of film growth and interface processes."Integrated Ferroelectrics
46 (2002) 295-306. DOI
Liu, B.T, K Maki, S Aggarwal, B Nagaraj, V Nagarajan, L Salamanca-Riba, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.M Dhote, and O Auciello."Low-temperature integration of lead-based ferroelectric capacitors on Si with diffusion barrier layer."Applied Physics Letters
80 (2002) 3599-3601. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, S Aggarwal, and O Auciello."Science and technology of ferroelectric films and heterostructures for non-volatile ferroelectric memories."Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
32 (2001) 191-236. DOI
Krauss, A.R, O Auciello, A.M Dhote, J Im, S Aggarwal, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, E.A Irene, Y Gao, and A.H Mueller."Studies of ferroelectric film growth and capacitor interface processes via in situ analytical techniques and correlation with electrical properties."Integrated Ferroelectrics
32 (2001) 121-131.
Dhote, A.M, O Auciello, D.M Gruen, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Studies of thin film growth and oxidation processes for conductive Ti-Al diffusion barrier layers via in situ surface sensitive analytical techniques."Applied Physics Letters
79 (2001) 800-802. DOI
Aggarwal, S, B Nagaraj, I.G Jenkins, H Li, R.P Sharma, L Salamanca-Riba, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.M Dhote, A.R Krauss, and O Auciello."Correlation between oxidation resistance and crystallinity of Ti-Al as a barrier layer for high-density memories."Acta Materialia
48 (2000) 3387-3394. DOI
Auciello, O, A.R Krauss, J Im, A Dhote, D.M Gruen, E.A Irene, Y Gao, A.H Mueller, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Studies of ferroelectric heterostructure thin films and interfaces, via in situ analytical techniques."Integrated Ferroelectrics
28 (2000) 1-12. DOI
Auciello, O, A.R Krauss, I.M Jaemo, A Dhote, D.M Gruen, S Aggarwal, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, E.A Irene, Y Gao, and A.H Mueller."Studies of ferroelectric heterostructure thin films, interfaces, and device-related processes via in situ analytical techniques."Integrated Ferroelectrics
27 (1999) 103-118. DOI
Krauss, A.R, A Dhote, O Auciello, J Im, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and S Aggarwal."Studies of hydrogen-induced degradation processes in Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) and SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) ferroelectric film-based capacitors."Integrated Ferroelectrics
27 (1999) 147-157. DOI
Dhote, A.M, A.R Krauss, O Auciello, J Im, D.M Gruen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, S.P Pai, and T Venkatesan."Studies of metallic species incorporation during growth of SrBi2Ta2O9 films on YBa2Cu3O7-x substrates using mass spectroscopy of recoiled ions."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
541 (1999) 281-286.
Gruverman, A, S.A Prakash, S Aggarwal, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, O Auciello, and H Tokumoto."Nanoscale investigation of polarization retention loss in ferroelectric thin films via scanning force microscopy."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
493 (1998) 53-58.
Auciello, O, A Gruverman, H Tokumoto, S.A Prakash, S Aggarwal, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Nanoscale scanning force imaging of polarization phenomena in ferroelectric thin films."MRS Bulletin
23 (1998) 33-41.
Auciello, O, C.M Foster, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Processing technologies for ferroelectric thin films and heterostructures."Annual Review of Materials Science
28 (1998) 501-531. DOI
Im, J, A.R Krauss, A.M Dhote, D.M Gruen, O Auciello, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and R.P.H Chang."Studies of metallic species and oxygen incorporation during sputter-deposition of SrBi2Ta2O9 films, using mass spectroscopy of recoiled ions."Applied Physics Letters
72 (1998) 2529-2531. DOI
Auciello, O, J.F Scott, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."The physics of ferroelectric memories."Physics Today
51 (1998) 22-27. DOI
Gruverman, A, H Tokumoto, A.S Prakash, S Aggarwal, B Yang, M Wuttig, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, O Auciello, and T Venkatesan."Nanoscale imaging of domain dynamics and retention in ferroelectric thin films."Applied Physics Letters
71 (1997) 3492-3494. DOI
Gruverman, A, O Auciello, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and H Tokumoto."Scanning force microscopy of domain structure in ferroelectric thin films: Imaging and control."Nanotechnology
8 (1997) A38-A43. DOI
Auciello, O, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electroceramic Thin Films Part I: Processing."MRS Bulletin
21 (1996) 21-24. DOI
Auciello, O, and R Ramamoorthy."Electroceramic Thin Films Part II: Device Applications."MRS Bulletin
21 (1996) 29-32. DOI
Auciello, O, and R Ramamoorthy."Electroceramic Thin Films Part II: Device Applications."MRS Bulletin
21 (1996) 29-32. DOI