Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: N Yan
Yang, Lin, Peng Peng, Nathaniel Weger, Sarah Mills, Clément Messeri, Akanksha K Menon, Steven Zeltmann, Finn Babbe, Qiye Zheng, Chaochao Dun, Chuan Zhang, Jeffrey J Urban, Andrew M Minor, Ravi S Prasher, Hanna Breunig, and Sean D Lubner."Self-Heating Conductive Ceramic Composites for High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage."ACS Energy Letters
(2025) 1002-1012. DOI
Tanim, Tanvir R, Peter J Weddle, Zhenzhen Yang, Andrew M Colclasure, Harry Charalambous, Donal P Finegan, Yanying Lu, Molleigh B Preefer, Sangwook Kim, Jeffery M Allen, Francois L.E Usseglio‐Viretta, Parameswara R Chinnam, Ira Bloom, Eric J Dufek, Kandler Smith, Guoying Chen, Kamila M Wiaderek, Johanna Nelson Weker, and Yang Ren."Enabling Extreme Fast‐Charging: Challenges at the Cathode and Mitigation Strategies."Advanced Energy Materials
12.46 (2022) 2202795. DOI
Yang, Lin, Yi Tao, Madeleine P Gordon, Akanksha K Menon, Yunfei Chen, Ravi S Prasher, and Jeffrey J Urban."Morphological Ordering of the Organic Layer for High-Performance Hybrid Thermoelectrics."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
14.51 (2022) 57460 - 57470. DOI
Peng, Peng, Akanksha K Menon, Nathaniel Weger, Ravi S Prasher, Sean D Lubner, Hanna Breunig, and Lin Yang."Techno-economic Analysis of High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage for On-Demand Heat and Power."
Peng, Peng, Lin Yang, Akanksha K Menon, Nathaniel Weger, Ravi S Prasher, Hanna Breunig, and Sean D Lubner."Techno-economic Analysis of High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage for On-Demand Heat and Power."Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry
(2022). DOI
Yang, Lin, Madeleine P Gordon, Akanksha K Menon, Alexandra Bruefach, Kyle Haas, M S Scott, Ravi S Prasher, and Jeffrey J Urban."Decoupling electron and phonon transport in single-nanowire hybrid materials for high-performance thermoelectrics."Science Advances
7.20 (2021) eabe6000. DOI
Yang, Lin, Ravi S Prasher, and Deyu Li."From nanowires to super heat conductors."Journal of Applied Physics
130.22 (2021) 220901. DOI
Yang, Lin, Daihong Huh, Rui Ning, Vi H Rapp, Yuqiang Zeng, Yunzhi Liu, Sucheol Ju, Yi Tao, Yue Jiang, Jihyun Beak, Juyoung Leem, Sumanjeet Kaur, Heon Lee, Xiaolin Zheng, and Ravi S Prasher."High thermoelectric figure of merit of porous Si nanowires from 300 to 700 K."Nature Communications
12.1 (2021). DOI
Gordon, Madeleine P, Kyle Haas, Edmond W Zaia, Akanksha K Menon, Lin Yang, Alexandra Bruefach, Michael D Galluzzo, Mary C Scott, Prasher Prasher, Ayaskanta Sahu, and Jeffrey J Urban."Understanding Diameter and Length Effects in a Solution‐Processable Tellurium‐Poly(3,4‐Ethylenedioxythiophene) Polystyrene Sulfonate Hybrid Thermoelectric Nanowire Mesh."Advanced Electronic Materials
7.3 (2021) 2000904. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Keti Vezzù, Govind A Hegde, Graeme Nawn, Andrew R Motz, Himanshu N Sarode, Gregory M Haugen, Yuan Yang, Soenke Seifert, Michael A Yandrasits, Steven Hamrock, C. C Mark Maupin, Adam Z Weber, Vito Di Noto, and Andrew M Herring."Transport and Morphology of a Proton Exchange Membrane Based on a Doubly Functionalized Perfluorosulfonic Imide Side Chain Perflourinated Polymer."Chemistry of Materials
32.1 (2020) 38 - 59. DOI
Zhu, Yanbei, Jhanis J Gonzalez, Xinyan Yang, George C.-Y Chan, Xin He, Robert Kostecki, Xianglei Mao, Richard E Russo, and Vassilia Zorba."Calcium fluoride as a dominating matrix for quantitative analysis by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): A feasibility study."Analytica Chimica Acta
1129 (2020) 24 - 30. DOI
Yang, Bin, Xiaojing Li, Yingzhen Hou, Alan K Meier, Xiaogang Cheng, Joon-Ho Choi, Faming Wang, Huan Wang, Andreas Wagner, Da Yan, Angui Li, Thomas Olofsson, and Haibo Li."Non-invasive (non-contact) measurements of human thermal physiology signals and thermal comfort/discomfort poses -A review."Energy and Buildings
224 (2020) 110261. DOI
Huang, Y.-L, L Zheng, P Chen, X Cheng, S.-L Hsu, T N Yang, X Wu, L Ponet, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L.-Q Chen, S Artyukhin, Y.-H Chu, and K Lai."Unexpected Giant Microwave Conductivity in a Nominally Silent BiFeO3 Domain Wall."Advanced Materials
32 (2020). DOI
Luo, Xiaoyan, Santiago Rojas-Carbonell, Yushan Yan, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Structure-transport relationships of poly(aryl piperidinium) anion-exchange membranes: Effect of anions and hydration."Journal of Membrane Science
(2019) 117680. DOI
Dai, Kehua, Jinpeng Wu, Zengqing Zhuo, Qinghao Li, Shawn Sallis, Jing Mao, Guo Ai, Chihang Sun, Zaiyuan Li, William E Gent, William C Chueh, Yi- de Chuang, Rong Zeng, Zhi-xun Shen, Feng Pan, Shishen Yan, Louis F.J Piper, Zahid Hussain, Gao Liu, and Wanli Yang."High Reversibility of Lattice Oxygen Redox Quantified by Direct Bulk Probes of Both Anionic and Cationic Redox Reactions."Joule
3.2 (2019) 518 - 541. DOI
Wang, Rui, Jingyu Cao, Shichang Cai, Xuemin Yan, Junsheng Li, William M Yourey, Wei Tong, and Haolin Tang."MOF@Cellulose Derived Co–N–C Nanowire Network as an Advanced Reversible Oxygen Electrocatalyst for Rechargeable Zinc–Air Batteries."ACS Applied Energy Materials
1.3 (2018) 1060 - 1068. DOI
Yang, ChangAn, QiaoKun Du, Zeheng Li, Min Ling, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S Battaglia, Xiaobo Chen, and Gao Liu."In-situ covalent bonding of polysulfides with electrode binders in operando for lithium–sulfur batteries."Journal of Power Sources
402 (2018) 1 - 6. DOI
Yang, Bin, Xiaogang Cheng, Thomas Olofsson, Haibo Li, and Alan K Meier."Macro pose-based non-invasive thermal comfort perception for energy efficiency."
Shinde, Aniketa, Santosh K Suram, Qimin Yan, Lan Zhou, Arunima K Singh, Jie Yu, Kristin A Persson, Jeffrey B Neaton, and John M Gregoire."Discovery of Manganese-Based Solar Fuel Photoanodes via Integration of Electronic Structure Calculations, Pourbaix Stability Modeling, and High-Throughput Experiments."ACS Energy Letters
2.10 (2017) 2307 - 2312. DOI
Ling, Min, Wenjun Yan, ayako Kawase, Hui Zhao, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Electrostatic Polysulfides Confinement to Inhibit Redox Shuttle Process in the Lithium Sulfur Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
9.37 (2017) 31741 - 31745. DOI
Yan, Qimin, Jie Yu, Santosh K Suram, Lan Zhou, Aniketa Shinde, Paul F Newhouse, Wei Chen, Guo Li, Kristin A Persson, John M Gregoire, and Jeffrey B Neaton."Solar fuels photoanode materials discovery by integrating high-throughput theory and experiment."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
114.12 (2017) 3040 - 3043. DOI
Zhou, Lan, Qimin Yan, Jie Yu, Ryan J. R Jones, Natalie Becerra-Stasiewicz, Santosh K Suram, Aniketa Shinde, Dan Guevarra, Jeffrey B Neaton, Kristin A Persson, and John M Gregoire."Stability and self-passivation of copper vanadate photoanodes under chemical, electrochemical, and photoelectrochemical operation."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
18.14 (2016) 9349 - 9352. DOI
Gao, Y, J.-M Hu, C.T Nelson, T.N Yang, Y Shen, L.Q Chen, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.W Nan."Dynamic in situ observation of voltage-driven repeatable magnetization reversal at room temperature."Scientific Reports
6 (2016). DOI
Feng, Caihong, Le Zhang, Menghuan Yang, Xiangyun Song, Hui Zhao, Zhe Jia, Kening Sun, and Gao Liu."One-Pot Synthesis of Copper Sulfide Nanowires/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites with Excellent Lithium-Storage Properties as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.29 (2015) 15726 - 15734. DOI
Yan, Qimin, Guo Li, Paul F Newhouse, Jie Yu, Kristin A Persson, John M Gregoire, and Jeffrey B Neaton."MnM2V2O7: An Earth Abundant Light Absorber for Solar Water Splitting."Advanced Energy Materials
5 (2015). DOI