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X Author: N Kioussis
Zheng, G, S.-H Ke, M Miao, J Kim, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and N Kioussis."Electric field control of magnetization direction across the antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition."Scientific Reports
7 (2017). DOI
Zheng, G, S.-H Ke, M Miao, J Kim, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and N Kioussis."Epitaxial strain controlled magnetocrystalline anisotropy in ultrathin FeRh/MgO bilayers."AIP Advances
7 (2017). DOI
Clarkson, J.D, I Fina, Z.Q Liu, Y Lee, J Kim, C Frontera, K Cordero, S Wisotzki, F Sanchez, J Sort, S.L Hsu, C Ko, L Aballe, M Foerster, J Wu, H.M Christen, J.T Heron, D.G Schlom, S Salahuddin, N Kioussis, J Fontcuberta, X Marti, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Hidden Magnetic States Emergent under Electric Field, in A Room Temperature Composite Magnetoelectric Multiferroic."Scientific Reports
7 (2017). DOI
Kim, J, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and N Kioussis."Revealing the hidden structural phases of FeRh."Physical Review B
94 (2016). DOI