Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Miguel Heleno
Belaid, Youba Nait, Miguel Heleno, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Reconductoring Economic and Financial Analysis (REFA) Tool."
Moreira, Alexandre, Nikita G Singhal, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Erik Ela, and Miguel Heleno."Navigating modeling frontiers for electric storage resources in wholesale electricity markets."
Wei, Max, Catherine Foster, Tia Tyler, Julie Kim, Ryan Bodanyi, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, Tianzhen Hong, Daniel Dominguez, and Darren Kumar."An Action Plan for Greater Climate Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Fresno."
Wei, Max, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, and Tianzhen Hong."Final Project Report: Building Healthier and More Energy-Efficient Communities in Fresno and the Central Valley."
Heleno, Miguel, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Alan Valenzuela, Greg Leventis, Cesca Miller, and Jeff Deason."Distribution Grid Impacts of Community Solar."
Singhal, Nikita G, Rajni Kant Bansal, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Erik Ela, and Miguel Heleno."Integration of Hybrids into Wholesale Power Markets."
Kemp, Julie Mulvaney, Miguel Heleno, and Andrew D Mills."Hybrid Power Plant Bidding in Models of Future Electricity Systems."2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
(2023). DOI
Schwartz, Lisa C, Joe Paladino, Peter H Larsen, Cecilia Klauber, Tom Short, Scott Sternfeld, and Miguel Heleno."Resilience Training for the Southeast."
Moreira, Alexandre, Miguel Heleno, Alan Valenzuela, Joseph H Eto, Jaime Ortega, and Cristina Botero."A Scalable Approach to Large Scale Risk-Averse Distribution Grid Expansion Planning."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
(2023) 1 - 14. DOI
Wirtz, Marco, Miguel Heleno, Hannah Romberg, Thomas Schreiber, and Dirk Muller."Multi-period design optimization for a 5th generation district heating and cooling network."Energy and Buildings
284 (2023) 112858. DOI
Wirtz, Marco, Miguel Heleno, Alexandre Moreira, Thomas Schreiber, and Dirk Muller."5th generation district heating and cooling network planning: A Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition approach."Energy Conversion and Management
276 (2023) 116593. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Alan Valenzuela, and Miguel Heleno."Solving Market-Based Large-Scale Security-Constrained AC Optimal Power Flows."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
(2022) 1 - 13. DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Benjamin Sigrin, Natalie Popovich, Jenny Heeter, Anjuli Jain Figueroa, Michael Reiner, and Tony Reames."Optimizing equity in energy policy interventions: A quantitative decision-support framework for energy justice."Applied Energy
325 (2022) 119771. DOI
Frick, Natalie Mims, Andrew Satchwell, and Miguel Heleno."Quantifying Locational Net Benefits of DER for Distribution Systems."
To, Thanh, Miguel Heleno, and Alan Valenzuela."Risk-constrained multi-period investment model for Distributed Energy Resources considering technology costs and regulatory uncertainties."Applied Energy
319 (2022) 119210. DOI
McDermott, Thomas E, Killian McKenna, Miguel Heleno, Bilal Ahmad Bhatti, Michael Emmanuel, and Sydney Forrester."Distribution System Research Roadmap."
(2022). DOI
Marques, Luciana, Miguel Heleno, and Wadaed Uturbey."Decentralized Frameworks for Future Power SystemsTransactive control for residential demand-side management."
(2022) 277 - 317. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Miguel Heleno, and Alan Valenzuela."A Risk-Averse Approach for Distribution Grid Expansion Planning."Energies
14.24 (2021) 8482. DOI
Marques, Luciana, Wadaed Uturbey, and Miguel Heleno."An Integer Non-Cooperative Game Approach for the Transactive Control of Thermal Appliances in Energy Communities."Energies
14.21 (2021) 6971. DOI
Morozovska, Kateryna, Miguel Heleno, Alan Valenzuela Meza, and Patrik Hilber."Including Dynamic Line Rating Into the Optimal Planning of Distributed Energy Resources."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
12.6 (2021) 5052 - 5059. DOI
Rossi, Federico, Miguel Heleno, Riccardo Basosi, and Adalgisa Sinicropi."LCA driven solar compensation mechanism for Renewable Energy Communities: the Italian case."Energy
235 (2021) 121374. DOI
Gust, Gunther, Tobias Brandt, Salman Mashayekh, Miguel Heleno, Nicholas DeForest, michael stadler, and Dirk Neumann."Strategies for microgrid operation under real-world conditions."European Journal of Operational Research
292.1 (2021) 339 - 352. DOI
Saumweber, Andrea, Lars Wederhake, Gonçalo Cardoso, Gilbert Fridgen, and Miguel Heleno."Designing Pareto optimal electricity retail rates when utility customers are prosumers."Energy Policy
(2021) 112339. DOI
Ribó-Pérez, David, Miguel Heleno, and Carlos Álvarez-Bel."The flexibility gap: Socioeconomic and geographical factors driving residential flexibility."Energy Policy
153 (2021) 112282. DOI
Gallego-Castillo, Cristobal, Miguel Heleno, and Marta Victoria."Self-consumption for energy communities in Spain: A regional analysis under the new legal framework."Energy Policy
150.C (2021) 112144. DOI