Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Melissa M Lunden
Chambliss, Sarah E, Chelsea V Preble, Julien J Caubel, Troy Cados, Kyle P Messier, Ramon A Alvarez, Brian W LaFranchi, Melissa M Lunden, Julian D Marshall, Adam A Szpiro, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Joshua S Apte."Comparison of Mobile and Fixed-Site Black Carbon Measurements for High-Resolution Urban Pollution Mapping."Environmental Science & Technology
54.13 (2020) 7848 - 7857. DOI
Apte, Joshua S, Kyle P Messier, Shahzad Gani, Michael Brauer, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Melissa M Lunden, Julian D Marshall, Christopher J Portier, Roel C.H Vermeulen, and Steven P Hamburg."High-Resolution Air Pollution Mapping with Google Street View Cars: Exploiting Big Data."Environmental Science & Technology
(2017). DOI
Lunden, Melissa M, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Capture Efficiency of Cooking- Related Fine and Ultrafine Particles by Residential Exhaust Hoods."Indoor Air
(2014). DOI
Logue, Jennifer M, Melissa M Lunden, and Brett C Singer."Development and Application of a Physics-Based Simulation Model to Investigate Residential PM2.5 Composition and Size Distribution Across the US."
Mullen, Nasim A, Marion L Russell, Melissa M Lunden, and Brett C Singer."Investigation of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde sampling rate and ozone interference for passive deployment of Waters Sep-Pak XPoSure samplers."Atmospheric Environment
80 (2013) 184-189. DOI
Sherman, Max H, Iain S Walker, and Melissa M Lunden."Uncertainties in Air Exchange using Continuous-Injection, Long-Term Sampling Tracer-Gas Methods."
Lunden, Melissa M, David Faulkner, Elizabeth Heredia, Sebastian Cohn, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Federico Noris, Jennifer M Logue, Toshifumi Hotchi, Brett C Singer, and Max H Sherman."Experiments to Evaluate and Implement Passive Tracer Gas Methods to Measure Ventilation Rates in Homes."
Maddalena, Randy L, Melissa M Lunden, Daniel L Wilson, Cristina Ceballos, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Jonathan L Slack, and Larry L Dale."Quantifying Stove Emissions Related to Different Use Patterns for the Silver‐mini (Small Turkish) Space Heating Stove."
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Regina N Williams, Lara A Gundel, Melissa M Lunden, William J Fisk, Michael G Apte, and Hugo Destaillats."Characterization Of Reaction Products And Ultrafine Particles From Ozone-initiated Chemistry On Filters From Ventilation Systems In Commercial Buildings."12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, June 5-10, 2011
Shehabi, Arman, Srirupa Ganguly, Lara A Gundel, Arpad Horvath, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Melissa M Lunden, William F Tschudi, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Can combining economizers with improved filtration save energy and protect equipment in data centers?."Building and Environment
45.3 (2010) 718-726. DOI
Strawa, Anthony W, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Anna G Hallar, George A Ban-Weiss, John P McLaughlin, Robert A Harley, and Melissa M Lunden."Optical and Physical Properties from Primary On-Road Vehicle Particle Emissions and Their Implications for Climate Change."Journal of Aerosol Science
41.1 (2009) 36-50. DOI
Ban-Weiss, George A, Melissa M Lunden, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Robert A Harley."Measurement of Black Carbon and Particle Number Emission Factors from Individual Heavy-Duty Trucks."Environmental Science and Technology
43.5 (2009) 1419-1424. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Michael G Apte, Douglas R Black, Toshifumi Hotchi, Donald Lucas, Melissa M Lunden, Anna G Mirer, Michael Spears, and Douglas P Sullivan."Natural Gas Variability in California: Environmental Impacts and Device Performance - Experimental Evaluation of Pollutant Emissions from Residential Appliances."
Ban-Weiss, George A, Melissa M Lunden, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Robert A Harley."Size-Resolved Particle Number and Volume Emission Factors for On-Road Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles."Journal of Aerosol Science
Kean, Andrew J, David Littlejohn, George A Ban-Weiss, Robert A Harley, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Melissa M Lunden."Trends in On-Road Vehicle Emissions of Ammonia."Atmospheric Environment
43.8 (2008) 1565-1570. DOI
Coleman, Beverly K, Melissa M Lunden, Hugo Destaillats, and William W Nazaroff."Secondary organic aerosol from ozone-initiated reactions with terpene-rich household products."Atmospheric Environment
42.35 (2008) 8234–8245. DOI
Lunden, Melissa M, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tracy L Thatcher, Susanne V Hering, and Nancy J Brown."Factors affecting the indoor concentrations of carbonaceous aerosols of outdoor origin."Atmospheric Environment
42.22 (2007) 5660-5671. DOI
Hering, Susanne V, Melissa M Lunden, Marc L Fischer, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tracy L Thatcher, and Nancy J Brown."Using Regional Data and Building Leakage to Assess Indoor Concentrations of Particles of Outdoor Origin."Aerosol Science and Technology
41 (2007) 639-654.
Lunden, Melissa M, Douglas R Black, Megan McKay, Kenneth L Revzan, Allen H Goldstein, and Nancy J Brown."Characteristics of fine particle growth events observed above a forested ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California."Aerosol Science and Technology
40.5 (2006) 373-388. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Beverly K Coleman, Hugo Destaillats, Alfred T Hodgson, Melissa M Lunden, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor secondary pollutants from cleaning product and air freshener use in the presence of ozone."Atmospheric Environment
40 (2006) 6696-6710.
Destaillats, Hugo, Melissa M Lunden, Brett C Singer, Beverly K Coleman, Alfred T Hodgson, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor Secondary Pollutants from Household Product Emissions in the Presence of Ozone: A Bench-Scale Chamber Study."Environmental Science and Technology
40 (2006) 4421-4428.
McMeeking, Gavin R, Sonia M Kreidenweis, Melissa M Lunden, Jacqueline Carrillo, Christian M Carrico, Taehyoung Lee, Pierre Herckes, Guenter Engling, Derek E Day, Jennifer Hand, Nancy J Brown, William C Malm, and Jeffrey L Collett Jr."Smoke-impacted regional haze in California during the summer of 2002."Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
173 (2006) 25-42. DOI
Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C Singer, Beverly K Coleman, Melissa M Lunden, Alfred T Hodgson, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Secondary Pollutants From Cleaning Products And Air Fresheners In The Presence Of Ozone."Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005
2(9) (2005) 2081-2085.
Lunden, Melissa M, Douglas R Black, and Nancy J Brown."Characterizing the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols—Interim Report."
Lunden, Melissa M, Tracy L Thatcher, Susanne V Hering, and Nancy J Brown."Use of Time- and Chemically Resolved Particulate Data To Characterize the Infiltration of Outdoor PM2.5 into a Residence in the San Joaquin Valley."Environmental Science and Technology
37.20 (2003) 4724-4732. DOI