Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Max H Sherman
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, David M Lorenzetti, Evan Mills, Vi H Rapp, Spencer M Dutton, Michael D Sohn, Xiwang Li, Jordan D Clark, and Max H Sherman."Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes."
Young, Matthew, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, Max H Sherman, and Jordan D Clark."Assessment of peak power demand reduction available via modulation of building ventilation systems."Energy and Buildings
(2020). DOI
Less, Brennan, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, Max H Sherman, and Jordan D Clark."Energy savings with outdoor temperature-based smart ventilation control strategies in advanced California homes."Energy and Buildings
194 (2019) 317 - 327. DOI
Clark, Jordan D, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Efficacy of occupancy-based smart ventilation control strategies in energy-efficient homes in the United States."Building and Environment
156 (2019) 253 - 267. DOI
Less, Brennan, Spencer M Dutton, Xiwang Li, Jordan D Clark, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Smart Ventilation for Advance California Homes – Single Zone Technology Task."
Guyot, Gaelle, Max H Sherman, and Iain S Walker."Smart ventilation energy and indoor air quality performance in residential buildings: A review."Energy and Buildings
165 (2018) 416 - 430. DOI
Clark, Jordan D, Iain S Walker, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Xiwang Li, and Max H Sherman."Energy Savings Estimates for Occupancy and Temperature-based Smart Ventilation Control Approaches in Single-family Homes."ASHRAE
Walker, Iain S, Gariel Rojas, Jordan D Clark, and Max H Sherman."Evaluating the Performance of Island Kitchen Range Hoods."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jordan D Clark, and Gaelle Guyot."Residential Smart Ventilation: A Review."
Chan, Wanyu R, Yang-Seon Kim, Brett C Singer, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Healthy Efficient New Gas Homes (HENGH) Field Study Protocol."
Walker, Iain S, J Chris Stratton, William W Delp, and Max H Sherman."Development of a Tracer Gas Capture Efficiency Test Method for Residential Kitchen Ventilation."
Chan, Wanyu R, Randy L Maddalena, J Chris Stratton, Toshifumi Hotchi, Brett C Singer, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Healthy Efficient New Gas Homes (HENGH) Pilot Test Results."
Chan, Wanyu R, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Durable Airtightness in Single-Family Dwellings: Field Measurements and Analysis."
Logue, Jennifer M, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."A Method for Quantifying the Acute Health Impacts of Residential Non-Biological Exposure Via Inhalation."
Turner, William J. N, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Advanced Controls for Residential Whole-House Ventilation Systems."
Hult, Erin L, and Max H Sherman."Estimates of Uncertainty in multi-zoned air leakage measurements."International Journal of Ventilation
Hult, Erin L, Henry Willem, and Max H Sherman."Formaldehyde Transfer in Residential Energy Recovery Ventilators."Building and Environment
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, and Brennan Less."Houses are Dumb without Smart Ventilation."
Hult, Erin L, Max H Sherman, and Iain S Walker."Blower-door techniques for measuring interzonal leakage."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings XII International Conference
Chan, Wanyu R, Jeffrey Joh, and Max H Sherman."Analysis of Air Leakage Measurements of US Houses."Energy and Buildings
(2013) 616-625. DOI
Wargocki, Pawel, Max H Sherman, Willem de Gids, Peter Wouters, Francis Allard, François Rémi Carrié, Paolo Carrer, and Stylianos Kephalopolous."Proposed Research Agenda for Achieving Indoor Air Quality Supporting Health and Comfort in Highly Energy Efficient Buildings."
Sherman, Max H, and Erin L Hult."Impacts of Contaminant Storage on Indoor Air Quality: Model Development."Atmospheric Environment
72 (2013) 41-49. DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jeffrey Joh, and Wanyu R Chan."Applying Large Datasets to Developing a Better Understanding of Air Leakage Measurement in Homes."International Journal of Ventilation
11.4 (2013) 323-338.
Walker, Iain S, and Max H Sherman."Effect of Ventilation Strategies on Residential Ozone Levels."Building and Environment
59 (2013) 456–465. DOI