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X Author: Martin Scheringer
Schenker, Urs, Martin Scheringer, Michael D Sohn, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas E McKone, and Konrad Hungerbühler."Using Information on Uncertainty to Improve Environmental Fate Modeling: A Case Study on DDT."Environmental Science and Technology
43.1 (2008) 128-134.
Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, Kathrin Fenner, Martin Scheringer, Michael Matthies, Maximilian Stroebe, Andreas Beyer, Mark Bonnell, Anne Christine Le Gall, Jörg Klasmeier, Donald Mackay, Dik van de Meent, David Pennington, Bernd Scharenberg, Noriyuki Suzuki, and Frank Wania."Comparing estimates of persistence and long-range transport potential among multimedia models."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 1932 -1942. DOI
Fenner, Kathrin, Matthew Macleod, Maximilian Stroebe, Andreas Beyer, Martin Scheringer, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Sonja Schmidt, Andrea E Rizzoli, and Anthony J Jakeman."Relative importance of model and parameter uncertainty in models used for prediction of persistence and long-range transport potential of chemical pollutants."2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
3 (2004) 1229-1234.
Scheringer, Martin, and Thomas E McKone."Is there a "forest filter effect" for airborne organic pollutants? A SERRA journal forum."Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
17 (2003) 229-230.
Bennett, Deborah H, Martin Scheringer, Thomas E McKone, and Konrad Hungerbühler."Predicting Long Range Transport: A Systematic Evaluation of Two Multimedia Transport Models."Environmental Science & Technology
35 (2001) 1181-1189.
van de Meent, Dik, Thomas E McKone, Thomas F Parkerton, Michael Matthies, Martin Scheringer, Frank Wania, Rich Purdy, Deborah H Bennett, Gary M Klečka, Robert S Boethling, Diana Graham, Les Grady Jr, James G.M Franklin, Philip H Howard, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Robert J Larson, Donald Mackay, and Derek Muir."Persistence and Transport Potential of Chemicals In A Multimedia Environment."Persistence and Long-Range Transport of Organic Chemicals in the Environment:Guidelines and Criteria for Evaluation and Assessment
Scheringer, Martin, Deborah H Bennett, Thomas E McKone, Konrad Hugerbuhler, Robert L Lipnick, Bo Janson, Donald Mackay, and Myrto Petreas."Relationship between Persistence and Spatial Range of Environmental Chemicals. ACS Symposium Series 773."Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals II Assessment and New Chemicals
(2000) 52-63.