Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Mark P Modera
Carrié, François Rémi, Ronnen M Levinson, Tengfang T Xu, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William J Fisk, Jennifer A McWilliams, Mark P Modera, and Duo Wang."Laboratory and Field Testing of an Aerosol-Based Duct-Sealing Technology for Large Commercial Buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
Xu, Tengfang T, François Rémi Carrié, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William J Fisk, Jennifer A McWilliams, Duo Wang, and Mark P Modera."Performance of thermal distribution systems in large commercial buildings."Energy and Buildings
34 (2002) 215-226.
Carrié, François Rémi, and Mark P Modera."Experimental investigation of aerosol deposition on slot-and joint-type leaks."Journal of Aerosol Science
33.10 (2001) 1447-1462. DOI
Modera, Mark P, Olivier Brzozowski, François Rémi Carrié, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William W Delp, William J Fisk, Ronnen M Levinson, and Duo Wang."Sealing Ducts in Large Commercial Buildings with Aerosolized Sealant Particles."Energy & Buildings
34.7 (2001) 705-714. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of airflow infiltration on the thermal performance of internally insulated ducts."Energy and Buildings
32.3 (2000) 345-354. DOI
Fisk, William J, William W Delp, Richard C Diamond, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Ronnen M Levinson, Mark P Modera, Albert Nematollahi, and Duo Wang."Duct systems in large commercial buildings: physical characterization, air leakage and heat conduction gains."Energy and Buildings
32.1 (2000) 109-119.
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of air infiltration on the effective thermal conductivity of internal fiberglass insulation and on the delivery of thermal capacity via ducts."
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of Airflow Infiltration on the Thermal Performance of Internally-insulated Ducts."Energy & Buildings
32 (2000) 345-354.
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jeffrey A Siegel, and Mark P Modera."Effects of Duct Improvement and ENERGYSTAR Equipment on Comfort and Energy Efficiency."
Modera, Mark P, Tengfang T Xu, Helmut E Feustel, Nance Matson, Charlie Huizenga, Fred S Bauman, Edward A Arens, and Tom R Borgers."Efficient Thermal Energy Distribution in Commercial Buildings."
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jeffrey A Siegel, Duo Wang, Christopher R Buchanan, and Mark P Modera."Leakage Diagnostics, Sealant Longevity, Sizing and Technology Transfer in Residential Thermal Distribution Systems; Part II."
Morrison, Glenn C, William W Nazaroff, Alejandro Cano-Ruiz, Alfred T Hodgson, and Mark P Modera."Indoor Air Quality Impacts of Ventilation Ducts: Ozone Removal and Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds."Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
48.10 (1998) 941-952.
Delp, William W, Nance Matson, and Mark P Modera."Exterior Exposed Ductwork: Delivery Effectiveness and Efficiency."ASHRAE Transactions
104 (1998) 709-721.
Walker, Iain S, and Mark P Modera."Field Measurements of the Interactions between Furnaces and Forced Air Distribution Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
104 (1998) 1805-1816.
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Mark P Modera, and Jeffrey A Siegel."Leakage Diagnostics, Sealant Longevity, Sizing and Technology Transfer in Residential Thermal Distribution Systems."
Carrié, François Rémi, and Mark P Modera."Particle Deposition in a Two Dimensional Slot from a Transverse Stream."Aerosol Science and Technology
28 (1998) 235-246.
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William J Fisk, Albert Nematollahi, Ingar Stordahl, Christophe Torre, Duo Wang, Richard C Diamond, and Mark P Modera."Commercial Thermal Distribution Systems FINAL REPORT for California Institute for Energy Efficiency."
Delp, William W, Nance Matson, Eric Tschudy, Mark P Modera, and Richard C Diamond."Field Investigation of Duct System Performance in California-Light Commercial Buildings."
Hammon, Robert W, and Mark P Modera."Improving the Energy Efficiency of Air Distribution Systems in New California Homes."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
2 (1996) 85-95.
Walker, Iain S, Mark P Modera, Adrian Tuluca, and Ian Graham."Energy effectiveness of duct sealing and insulation in two multifamily buildings."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
1 (1996) 247-254.
Jump, David A, Iain S Walker, and Mark P Modera."Field Measurements of Efficiency and Duct Retrofit Effectiveness in Residential Forced Air Distribution Systems."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
1 (1996) 147-156.
Modera, Mark P, and Burke Treidler."Improved Modelling of HVAC System/Envelope Interactions in Residential Buildings."ASME International Solar Energy Conference, March 19-24, 1995
1 (1995) 245-252.
Sherman, Max H, Larry Palmiter, Mark P Modera, and Andrew K Persily."Uncertainty in Fan Pressurization Measurements."Airflow Performance of Envelopes, Components and Systems
STP 1255 (1994) 262-283.