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X Author: Manfred Weihs
Stadler, Michael, Peter Palensky, Brigitte Lorenz, Manfred Weihs, and Charlotte Roesener."Integral Resource Optimization Networks and their Techno-Economic Constraints."International journal of distributed energy resources
1 (2005) 299-320.
Palensky, Peter, Brigitte Lorenz, Charlotte Roesener, Michael Stadler, Manfred Weihs, and Thomas Frank."Integral Resource Optimization Network Study."
Roesener, Charlotte, Peter Palensky, Manfred Weihs, Brigitte Lorenz, and Michael Stadler."Integral Resource Optimization Network - a new solution on power markets."INDIN '05. 2005 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics August 10-12, 2005
(2005) 578-583. DOI