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X Author: M.J Polking
Polking, M.J, A.P Alivisatos, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Synthesis, physics, and applications of ferroelectric nanomaterials."MRS Communications
5 (2015) 27-44. DOI
Polking, M.J, P.K Jain, Y Bekenstein, U Banin, O Millo, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A.P Alivisatos."Controlling localized surface plasmon resonances in GeTe nanoparticles using an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition."Physical Review Letters
111 (2013). DOI
Polking, M.J, M.-G Han, A Yourdkhani, V Petkov, C.F Kisielowski, V.V Volkov, Y Zhu, G Caruntu, A. Paul Alivisatos, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Ferroelectric order in individual nanometre-scale crystals."Nature Materials
11 (2012) 700-709. DOI
Polking, M.J, H Zheng, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A.P Alivisatos."Controlled synthesis and size-dependent polarization domain structure of colloidal germanium telluride nanocrystals."Journal of the American Chemical Society
133 (2011) 2044-2047. DOI
Polking, M.J, J.J Urban, D.J Milliron, H Zheng, E Chan, M.A Caldwell, S Raoux, C.F Kisielowski, Joel W Ager, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A.P Alivisatos."Size-dependent polar ordering in colloidal GeTe nanocrystals."Nano Letters
11 (2011) 1147-1152. DOI