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X Author: L.A Bendersky
Gao, T, X Zhang, W Ratcliff II, S Maruyama, M Murakami, A Varatharajan, Z Yamani, P Chen, K Wang, H Zhang, R Shull, L.A Bendersky, J Unguris, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and I Takeuchi."Electric-Field Induced Reversible Switching of the Magnetic Easy Axis in Co/BiFeO3 on SrTiO3."Nano Letters
17 (2017) 2825-2832. DOI
Chang, K.-S, M.A Aronova, C.-L Lin, M Murakami, M.-H Yu, J R Hattrick-Simpers, O.O Famodu, S.Y Lee, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, M Wuttig, I Takeuchi, C Gao, and L.A Bendersky."Exploration of artificial multiferroic thin-film heterostructures using composition spreads."Applied Physics Letters
84 (2004) 3091-3093. DOI
Alpay, S.P, A.L Roytburd, V Nagarajan, L.A Bendersky, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Cellular domain architecture of stress-free epitaxial ferroelectric films."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
655 (2001) XLXXV-XLXXVI.
Roytburd, A.L, S.P Alpay, L.A Bendersky, V Nagarajan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Three-domain architecture of stress-free epitaxial ferroelectric films."Journal of Applied Physics
89 (2001) 553-556. DOI
Alpay, S.P, V Nagarajan, L.A Bendersky, M.D Vaudin, S Aggarwal, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A.L Roytburd."Effect of the electrode layer on the polydomain structure of epitaxial PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thin films."Journal of Applied Physics
85 (1999) 3271-3277. DOI
Alpay, S.P, V Nagarajan, L.A Bendersky, M.D Vaudin, S Aggarwal, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and A.L Roytburd."The stress state and domain structure of epitaxial PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 films on (001) SrTiO3 with and without la0.5r0.5CoO3 electrode layer."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
541 (1999) 357-362.