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X Author: John F Busch
Sanchez, Marla C, Carrie A Webber, Richard E Brown, John F Busch, Margaret J Pinckard, and Judy A Roberson."Space Heaters, Computers, Cell Phone Chargers: How Plugged In Are Commercial Buildings?."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
9 (2006) 9-304: 9-315.
Roberson, Judy A, Carrie A Webber, Marla C McWhinney, Richard E Brown, Margaret J Pinckard, and John F Busch."After-hours Power Status of Office Equipment and Energy Use of Miscellaneous Plug-Load Equipment."
(2004) 38.
McWhinney, Marla C, Gregory K Homan, Richard E Brown, Judy A Roberson, Bruce Nordman, and John F Busch."Field Power Measurements of Imaging Equipment."
Roberson, Judy A, Carrie A Webber, Marla C McWhinney, Richard E Brown, Margaret J Pinckard, and John F Busch."After-hours Power Status of Office Equipment and Inventory of Miscellaneous Plug-Load Equipment."
(2004) 33.
Busch, John F, Sriram Somasundaram, and James E McMahon."Commercial HVAC and Service Water-Heating Equipment Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards in the U.S.."
Biermayer, Peter J, John F Busch, Sajid Hakim, and Isaac Turiel."Feasibility of An Appliance Energy Testing and Labeling Program for Sri Lanka."
(2000) 130.
Busch, John F, and Joseph H Eto."Estimation of Avoided Costs for Electric Utility Demand-side Planning."Energy Sources
18 (1996) 28. DOI
Busch, John F, and Richard C Diamond."Does the Feebate Approach to A/E Compensation Lead to an Energy-Efficient Building?."Proceedings of the 4th National Energy-Efficient New Construction Conference, Vancouver, BC
Busch, John F, and G. G Alan Comnes."Resource Planning for Gas Utilities: Using a Model to Analyze Pivotal Issues."
(1995) 107.
Goldman, Charles A, John F Busch, and Edward P Kahn."At the Electricity Resource Bazaar: Lessons from Case Studies of Integrated Bidding in New York."Energy Studies Review
Vol. 6.No. 2 (1994) 18. DOI
Goldman, Charles A, G. G Alan Comnes, John F Busch, and Stephen Wiel."Primer on Gas Integrated Resource Planning."
(1993) 349.
Goldman, Charles A, John F Busch, Edward P Kahn, Ross Baldick, and Adele Milne."Review of Consolidated Edison's Integrated Resource Bidding Program."
(1993) 98.
Goldman, Charles A, and John F Busch."When demand-side management competes in an electric resource solicitation - Issues from a case study in New York."Utilities Policy
(1993) 10.
Deringer, Joseph J, John F Busch, and Mark D Levine."ASEAN-USAID Buildings Energy Conservation Project FINAL REPORT Volume I: Energy Standards."
I: Energy Standards (1992).
Busch, John F, and Mark D Levine."ASEAN-USAID Buildings Energy Conservation Project FINAL REPORT Volume II: Technology."
Volume II: Technology (1992).
Loewen, J.M, Mark D Levine, and John F Busch."ASEAN-USAID Buildings Energy Conservation Project FINAL REPORT Volume III: Audits."
Vol. III: Audits (1992).
Goldman, Charles A, and John F Busch."DSM Bidding - The Next Generation."The Electricity Journal
(1992) 10.