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X Author: Jeffrey A Reimer
Bergstrom, Helen K, Kara D Fong, David M Halat, Carl A Karouta, Hasan C Celik, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Bryan D McCloskey."Ion correlation and negative lithium transference in polyelectrolyte solutions."Chemical Science
14.24 (2023) 6546 - 6557. DOI
McGrath, Patrick, Aurora Marie Fojas, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Electro-oxidation kinetics of adsorbed CO on platinum electrocatalysts."Chemical Engineering Science
64 (2009) 4765-4771. DOI
McGrath, Patrick, Aurora Marie Fojas, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Site-dependent C chemical shifts of CO adsorbed on Pt electrocatalysts ."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
112 (2008) 14702-14705. DOI
McGrath, Patrick, Aurora Marie Fojas, Benjamin M Rush, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Characterizing electrocatalytic surfaces: Electrochemical and NMR studies of methanol and carbon monoxide on Pt/C."Electrochimica Acta
53.3 (2007) 1365-1371. DOI
Wilcke, Sam L, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."An effective stochastic excitation strategy for finding elusive NMR signals from solids."Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
29 (2006) 199-203.
Kerlau, Marie, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Layered nickel oxide-based cathodes for lithium cells: Analysis of performance loss mechanisms."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
152 (2005) A1629-A1632. DOI
Kerlau, Marie, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Investigation of particle isolation in Li-ion battery electrodes using 7Li NMR spectroscopy."Electrochemistry Communications
7 (2005) 1249-1251. DOI
Striebel, Kathryn A, Joongpyo Shim, Elton J Cairns, Robert Kostecki, Young Joo Lee, Jeffrey A Reimer, Thomas J Richardson, Philip N Ross, Xiangyun Song, and Guorong V Zhuang."Diagnostic analysis of electrodes from high-power lithium-ion cells cycled under different conditions."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
151.6 (2004) A857-A866. DOI
Roberts, Gregory A, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."Mechanism of Lithium Insertion into Magnesium Silicide."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
151.4 (2004) A493-A496. DOI
Eriksson, Tom A, Young Joo Lee, Joel Hollingsworth, Jeffrey A Reimer, Elton J Cairns, Xiao-Feng Zhang, and Marca M Doeff."Influence of substitution on the structure and electrochemistry of layered manganese oxides."Chemistry of Materials
15.23 (2003) 4456-4463. DOI
Doeff, Marca M, Joel Hollingsworth, Joongpyo Shim, Young Joo Lee, Kathryn A Striebel, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Sulfur-doped aluminum-substituted manganese oxide spinels for lithium-ion battery applications."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
150 (2003) A1060-A1066. DOI
Roberts, Gregory A, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."An Electrochemical and XRD Study of Lithium Insertion into Mechanically Alloyed Magnesium Stannide."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
150.7 (2003) A912-A916. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Lenz Kroeck, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."The Influence of Covalence on Capacity Retention in Metal-Substituted Spinels 7Li NMR, SQUID, and Electrochemical Studies."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
149 (2002) A1409-A1413. DOI
Roberts, Gregory A, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."Magnesium silicide as a negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
110.2 (2002) 424-429. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Jeffrey A Reimer, Elton J Cairns, Seungdon Choi, and Arumugam Manthiram."7Li NMR Studies of Chemically-Delithiated Li1-xCoO2."The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
106 (2002) 3842-3847. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Marca M Doeff, Thomas J Richardson, Rita Fiñones, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."Hyperfine fields at the Li site in LiFePO4-type olivine materials for lithium rechargeable batteries: A 7Li MAS NMR and SQUID study."Journal of the American Chemical Society
124.15 (2002) 3832-3833. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Marca M Doeff, Thomas J Richardson, Rita Fiñones, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."7Li and 31P magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance of LiFePO4-type materials."Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters
5 (2002) A95-A98. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."A 7Li NMR study of capacity fade in metal-substituted lithium manganese oxide spinels."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
149 (2002) A574-A585. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."A 7Li Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Metal-Substituted Lithium Manganese Oxide Spinels."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
148 (2001) A951-A959. DOI
Rush, Benjamin M, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Nuclear magnetic resonance and voltammetry studies of carbon monoxide adsorption and oxidation on a carbon-supported platinum fuel cell electrocatalyst."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
148 (2001) A137-A148. DOI
Tucker, Michael C, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."A 7Li NMR study of lithium insertion into lithium manganese oxide spinel."Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters
3 (2000) 463-466. DOI
Gee, Becky, Craig R Horne, Elton J Cairns, and Jeffrey A Reimer."Supertransferred Hyperfine Fields at 7Li: Variable Temperature 7Li NMR Studies of LiMn2O4-Based Spinels."The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
102 (1998) 10142-10149. DOI
Yahnke, Mark S, Benjamin M Rush, Jeffrey A Reimer, and Elton J Cairns."Quantitative solid-state NMR spectra of CO adsorbed from aqueous solution onto a commercial electrode."Journal of the American Chemical Society
118 (1996) 12250-12251. DOI