Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Jeff Deason
LeBel, Mark, Ronny Sandoval, Natalie Mims Frick, and Jeff Deason."Opportunities for Integrating Electric and Gas Planning."
Pereira, Guillermo, Jeff Deason, and Anthony Sandonato."Unlocking load growth at the grid edge: Practices for managing, recovering, and allocating distribution system investments."
Murphy, Sean, Cesca Miller, Jeff Deason, Diana Dombrowski, and Portia Awuah."The State of Demand Flexibility Programs and Rates."
Kramer, Chris, Greg Leventis, and Jeff Deason."Driving Uptake for Energy Efficiency Financing Programs: Marketing and Outreach, Partnership Networks, and Program Design Considerations."
Deason, Jeff, Sean Murphy, and Greg Leventis."Participant outcomes in residential Pay As You Save® programs."
Parmenter, Kelly, Greg Leventis, and Jeff Deason."Designing and Executing Measurement and Verification Standards for C-PACE Programs: Lessons Learned from Leading C-PACE Programs."
Pitkin, Jeff, Jeff Deason, and Greg Leventis."Leveraging State Clean Water Revolving Funds to Expand Clean Energy Financing."
Heleno, Miguel, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Alan Valenzuela, Greg Leventis, Cesca Miller, and Jeff Deason."Distribution Grid Impacts of Community Solar."
Leventis, Greg, and Jeff Deason."Commercial PACE Project Origination: Leverage Points for Growing the Project Pipeline."
Deason, Jeff, Sean Murphy, and Greg Leventis."Customer outcomes in Pay-As-You-Save programs."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Pigman, Margaret, Jeff Deason, Nancy Wallace, and Paulo Issler."How Does Home Energy Score Affect Home Value and Mortgage Performance?."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Schiller, Steven R, Jeff Deason, Greg Leventis, Lisa C Schwartz, and Kelly Parmenter."The Future of Energy Efficiency for U.S. Buildings - Drivers and Market Scenarios."
Burton, Robin, Murali Baggu, Jill Rhodes, Nate Blair, Tom Harris, Manajit Sengupta, Clayton Barrows, Haiku Sky, Jaemo Yang, James Elsworth, Paritosh Das, Patrick Duffy, Gabriel Zuckerman, Jeremy Stefek, Prateek Joshi, Lawrence Paul Lewis, John Murphy, Peter Cappers, Jeff Deason, Margaret Pigman, Yilu Liu, Bandana Kar, Shih-Chieh Kao, Marcelo Elizondo, Xiaoyuan Fan, Patrick Maloney, Vishvas Chalishazar, Patrick Royer, Fernando BeretaDos Reis, Amanda Wachtel, Matthew Lave, Olga Epshtein Hart, Christian Birk Jones, James Ellison, Cody Newlun, Michele Chait, Harvey Cutler, and Martin Shields."Puerto Rico Grid Resilience and Transitions to 100% Renewable Energy Study (PR100): Six-Month Progress Update."
Schiller, Steven R, Jeff Deason, Kelly Parmenter, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C Schwartz."Future of Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Drivers and Market Expectations."
Deason, Jeff, Greg Leventis, and Sean Murphy."Long-Term Performance of Energy Efficiency Loan Portfolios."
Deason, Jeff, Sean Murphy, and Charles A Goldman."Tracking the PACE of household energy usage: Energy usage impacts of projects financed through Property Assessed Clean Energy programs in California."
Leventis, Greg, and Jeff Deason."Deferred Payment Loans for Energy Efficiency: Case Study of a Low- and Moderate-Income Home Improvement Financing Model and Potential Application to Energy Efficiency Projects."
Deason, Jeff, Sean Murphy, and Charles A Goldman."Empirical Estimation of the Energy Impacts of Projects Installed through Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Programs in California."Energies
14.23 (2021). DOI
Pigman, Margaret, Jeff Deason, and Sean Murphy."Who is participating in residential energy efficiency programs? Exploring demographic and other household characteristics of participants in utility customer-funded energy efficiency programs."
Murphy, Sean, Jeff Deason, and Andrew Satchwell."Timed to save: the added value of accounting for hourly incidence of electricity savings from residential space-conditioning measures."Energy Efficiency
(2021). DOI
Leventis, Greg, and Jeff Deason."Practices for Demonstrating Energy Savings from Commercial PACE Projects."
Murphy, Sean, and Jeff Deason."Energy efficiency lifetimes: How reported savings of electric and gas energy efficiency programs change over time."
Deason, Jeff, Greg Leventis, and Sean Murphy."Performance of solar leasing for low- and middle-income customers in Connecticut."
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, Jeff Deason, Sydney Forrester, Natalie Mims Frick, Brian F Gerke, and Mary Ann Piette."A Conceptual Framework to Describe Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Interactions."
Zhu, Cindy, Andrew White, Paul A Mathew, Jeff Deason, and Philip Coleman."Raising the Rent Premium: Moving Green Building Research Beyond Certifications and Rent."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI