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X Author: J.H Lee
Kim, K.-E, S Jeong, K Chu, J.H Lee, G.-Y Kim, F Xue, T.Y Koo, L.-Q Chen, S.-Y Choi, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.-H Yang."Configurable topological textures in strain graded ferroelectric nanoplates."Nature Communications
9 (2018). DOI
Lim, J.S, J.H Lee, H.-S Park, R Gao, T.Y Koo, L.W Martin, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and C.-H Yang."Ultrafast collective oxygen-vacancy flow in Ca-doped BiFeO3."NPG Asia Materials
10 (2018) 943-955. DOI
Ko, K.-T, M.H Jung, Q He, J.H Lee, C.S Woo, K Chu, J Seidel, B.-G Jeon, Y.S Oh, K.H Kim, W.-I Liang, H.-J Chen, Y.-H Chu, Y.H Jeong, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J.-H Park, and C.-H Yang."Concurrent transition of ferroelectric and magnetic ordering near room temperature."Nature Communications
2 (2011). DOI
Xu, X.S, J.F Ihlefeld, J.H Lee, O.K Ezekoye, E Vlahos, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, V Gopalan, X.Q Pan, D.G Schlom, and J.L Musfeldt."Tunable band gap in Bi (Fe1-x Mnx) O3 films."Applied Physics Letters
96 (2010). DOI