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X Author: I.G Jenkins
Aggarwal, S, B Nagaraj, I.G Jenkins, H Li, R.P Sharma, L Salamanca-Riba, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, A.M Dhote, A.R Krauss, and O Auciello."Correlation between oxidation resistance and crystallinity of Ti-Al as a barrier layer for high-density memories."Acta Materialia
48 (2000) 3387-3394. DOI
Aggarwal, S, C Ganpule, I.G Jenkins, B Nagaraj, A Stanishevsky, J Melngailis, E Williams, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."High density ferroelectric memories: Materials, processing and scaling."Integrated Ferroelectrics
28 (2000) 213-225. DOI
Aggarwal, S, S Madhukar, B Nagaraj, I.G Jenkins, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, L Boyer, and J .T Jr."Can lead nonstoichiometry influence ferroelectric properties of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films?."Applied Physics Letters
75 (1999) 716-718. DOI
Aggarwal, S, I.G Jenkins, B Nagaraj, C Canedy, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, G Velasquez, L Boyer, and J .T Jr."Conducting diffusion barriers for integration of ferroelectric capacitors on Si."Integrated Ferroelectrics
25 (1999) 205-221. DOI
Aggarwal, S, I.G Jenkins, B Nagaraj, C.J Kerr, C Canedy, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, G Velasquez, L Boyer, and J .T Jr."Switching properties of Pb(Nb, Zr,Ti)O3 capacitors using SrRuO3 electrodes."Applied Physics Letters
75 (1999) 1787-1789. DOI
Nagarajan, V, I.G Jenkins, S.P Alpay, H Li, S Aggarwal, L Salamanca-Riba, A.L Roytburd, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Thickness dependence of structural and electrical properties in epitaxial lead zirconate titanate films."Journal of Applied Physics
86 (1999) 595-602. DOI
Jenkins, I.G, T.K Song, S Madhukar, A.S Prakash, S Aggarwal, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Dynamics of polarization loss in (Pb, La)(Zr, Ti)O3 thin film capacitors."Applied Physics Letters
72 (1998) 3300-3302. DOI