Publications by Research Area
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X Author: Donald Gilligan
Stuart, Elizabeth, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Peter H Larsen, Charles A Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."Understanding recent market trends of the US ESCO industry."Energy Efficiency
11 (2018) 1303–1324. DOI
Stuart, Elizabeth, Peter H Larsen, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Charles A Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."U.S. Energy Service Company (ESCO) Industry: Recent Market Trends."
Stuart, Elizabeth, Peter H Larsen, Charles A Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."A method to estimate the size and remaining market potential of the U.S. ESCO (energy service company) industry."Energy
77 (2014) 362-371. DOI
Larsen, Peter H, Elizabeth Stuart, Charles A Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."Current Policies and Practices Related to the Incorporation of Non-energy Benefits in Energy Saving Performance Contract Projects."ACEEE 2014 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Larsen, Peter H, Elizabeth Stuart, Charles A Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."Current Policies and Practices Related to the Incorporation of Non-energy Benefits in Energy Saving Performance Contract Projects."ACEEE 2014 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Stuart, Elizabeth, Peter H Larsen, Charles A Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."Current Size and Remaining Market Potential of the U.S. Energy Service Company Industry."
Larsen, Peter H, Charles A Goldman, Donald Gilligan, and Terry E Singer."Incorporating Non-energy Benefits into Energy Savings Performance Contracts."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Satchwell, Andrew, Charles A Goldman, Peter H Larsen, Donald Gilligan, and Terry E Singer."A Survey of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Market Growth and Development from 2008 to 2011."
(2010) 31.
Bharvirkar, Ranjit, Charles A Goldman, Donald Gilligan, Terry E Singer, David Birr, Patricia Donahue, and Scott Serota."Performance Contracting and Energy Efficiency in the State Government Market."
Bharvirkar, Ranjit, Charles A Goldman, Donald Gilligan, Terry E Singer, David Birr, Patricia Donahue, and Scott Serota."Performance Contracting and Energy Efficiency in the State Government Market."
(2008) 88.
Hopper, Nicole C, Charles A Goldman, Donald Gilligan, Terry E Singer, and David Birr."A Survey of the U.S. ESCO Industry: Market Growth and Development from 2000 to 2006."
(2007) 37.