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X Author: Deepti Tanjore
Barcelos, Carolina A, Asun M Oka, Jipeng Yan, Lalitendu Das, Ezinne C Achinivu, Harsha Magurudeniya, Jie Dong, Simay Akdemir, Nawa Raj Baral, Chunsheng Yan, Corinne D Scown, Deepti Tanjore, Ning Sun, Blake A Simmons, John M Gladden, and Eric R Sundstrom."High-Efficiency Conversion of Ionic Liquid-Pretreated Woody Biomass to Ethanol at the Pilot ScaleHigh-Efficiency Conversion of Ionic Liquid-Pretreated Woody Biomass to Ethanol at the Pilot Scale."ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
9.11 (2021) 4042 - 4053. DOI