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X Author: B Kuiper
Kleibeuker, J.E, B Kuiper, S Harkema, D.H.A Blank, G Koster, G Rijnders, P Tinnemans, E Vlieg, P.B Rossen, W Siemons, G Portale, J Ravichandran, J.M Szepieniec, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Structure of singly terminated polar DyScO 3 (110) surfaces."Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
85 (2012). DOI
Kleibeuker, J.E, G Koster, W Siemons, D Dubbink, B Kuiper, J.L Blok, C.-H Yang, J Ravichandran, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J.E Elshof, D.H.A Blank, and G Rijnders."Atomically defined rare-earth scandate crystal surfaces."Advanced Functional Materials
20 (2010) 3490-3496. DOI