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X Author: Angelique Jarry
Cheng, Lei, Cheng Hao Wu, Angelique Jarry, Wei Chen, Yifan Ye, Junfa Zhu, Robert Kostecki, Kristin A Persson, Jinghua Guo, Miquel Salmeron, Guoying Chen, and Marca M Doeff."Interrelationships among Grain Size, Surface Composition, Air Stability, and Interfacial Resistance of Al-Substituted LiLa...."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.32 (2015) 17649 - 17655. DOI
Jarry, Angelique, Sébastien Gottis, Young-Sang Yu, Josep Roque-Rosell, Chunjoong Kim, Jordi Cabana, John B Kerr, and Robert Kostecki."The Formation Mechanism of Fluorescent Metal Complexes at the LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4-δ/Carbonate Ester Electrolyte Interface."Journal of the American Chemical Society
137.10 (2015) 3533-3539. DOI
Kuppan, Saravanan, Angelique Jarry, Robert Kostecki, and Guoying Chen."A study of room-temperature LixMn1.5Ni0.5O4 solid solutions."Scientific Reports
5.1 (2015). DOI