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X Author: Alan T Jenn
Wei, Max, Nica Campbell, Lis Blanco, Neah Downs Dybas, Erin Nobler, Sara Lechtenberg-Kasten, Alan T Jenn, and Monisha Shah."Equity and Energy Justice-Related Metric Development for Evaluation of State- Level Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Programs."
Tong, Fan, Derek Wolfson, Alan T Jenn, Corinne D Scown, and Maximilian Auffhammer."Energy consumption and charging load profiles from long-haul truck electrification in the United States."Environmental Research Infrastructure and Sustainability
(2021). DOI
Tong, Fan, Alan T Jenn, Derek Wolfson, Corinne D Scown, and Maximilian Auffhammer."Health and Climate Impacts from Long-Haul Truck Electrification."Environmental Science & Technology
55.13 (2021) 8514 - 8523. DOI
Sheppard, Colin, Alan T Jenn, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Gordon S Bauer, and Brian F Gerke."Private versus Shared, Automated Electric Vehicles for U.S. Personal Mobility: Energy Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Grid Integration, and Cost Impacts."Environmental Science & Technology
(2021). DOI
Sheppard, Colin, Gordon S Bauer, Brian F Gerke, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Alan T Jenn, and Anand R Gopal."Joint Optimization Scheme for the Planning and Operations of Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicle Fleets Serving Mobility on Demand."Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
(2019) 036119811983827. DOI