Publications by Research Area
Publications by Division
X Author: Akanksha K Menon
Menon, Akanksha K, Mingxin Jia, Sumanjeet Kaur, Chris Dames, and Ravi S Prasher."Distributed desalination using solar energy: A technoeconomic framework to decarbonize nontraditional water treatment."iScience
26.2 (2023) 105966. DOI
Gilbert, Tristan, Akanksha K Menon, Chris Dames, and Ravi S Prasher."Heat source and application-dependent levelized cost of decarbonized heat."Joule
7.1 (2023) 128 - 149. DOI
Yang, Lin, Yi Tao, Madeleine P Gordon, Akanksha K Menon, Yunfei Chen, Ravi S Prasher, and Jeffrey J Urban."Morphological Ordering of the Organic Layer for High-Performance Hybrid Thermoelectrics."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
14.51 (2022) 57460 - 57470. DOI
Foo, Zi Hao, Caleb Stetson, Elizabeth Dach, Akshay Deshmukh, Hyeonseok Lee, Akanksha K Menon, Ravi S Prasher, Ngai Yin Yip, John H Lienhard, and Aaron D Wilson."Solvent-driven aqueous separations for hypersaline brine concentration and resource recovery."Trends in Chemistry
4.12 (2022) 1078 - 1093. DOI
Peng, Peng, Akanksha K Menon, Nathaniel Weger, Ravi S Prasher, Sean D Lubner, Hanna Breunig, and Lin Yang."Techno-economic Analysis of High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage for On-Demand Heat and Power."
Peng, Peng, Lin Yang, Akanksha K Menon, Nathaniel Weger, Ravi S Prasher, Hanna Breunig, and Sean D Lubner."Techno-economic Analysis of High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage for On-Demand Heat and Power."Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry
(2022). DOI
Yang, Lin, Madeleine P Gordon, Akanksha K Menon, Alexandra Bruefach, Kyle Haas, M S Scott, Ravi S Prasher, and Jeffrey J Urban."Decoupling electron and phonon transport in single-nanowire hybrid materials for high-performance thermoelectrics."Science Advances
7.20 (2021) eabe6000. DOI
Haddad, Andrew Z, Akanksha K Menon, Hyungmook Kang, Jeffrey J Urban, Ravi S Prasher, and Robert Kostecki."Solar Desalination Using Thermally Responsive Ionic Liquids Regenerated with a Photonic Heater."Environmental Science & Technology
55.5 (2021) 3260 - 3269. DOI
Gordon, Madeleine P, Kyle Haas, Edmond W Zaia, Akanksha K Menon, Lin Yang, Alexandra Bruefach, Michael D Galluzzo, Mary C Scott, Prasher Prasher, Ayaskanta Sahu, and Jeffrey J Urban."Understanding Diameter and Length Effects in a Solution‐Processable Tellurium‐Poly(3,4‐Ethylenedioxythiophene) Polystyrene Sulfonate Hybrid Thermoelectric Nanowire Mesh."Advanced Electronic Materials
7.3 (2021) 2000904. DOI
Menon, Akanksha K, Iwan Haechler, Sumanjeet Kaur, Sean D Lubner, and Ravi S Prasher."Enhanced solar evaporation using a photo-thermal umbrella for wastewater management."Nature Sustainability
3.2 (2020) 144 - 151. DOI
Urban, Jeffrey J, Akanksha K Menon, Zhiting Tian, Anubhav Jain, and Kedar Hippalgaonkar."New horizons in thermoelectric materials: Correlated electrons, organic transport, machine learning, and more."Journal of Applied Physics
125.18 (2019) 180902. DOI