Katie Kirbus
Spot: Tracee Bosworth, Marie Butson, Azizah Chao, Bonnie Cobiseno, Katie Kirbus, Maya Minamihara - September 8th 2023
ETA's Property Management Team did an outstanding job in Berkeley Lab's FY23 Wall-to-Wall Inventory, leading to ETA exceeding the goal set out by DOE.
Spot: Rachel Foushee, Erin Harbin, Katie Kirbus - October 19th 2022
For successfully coordinating funding, logistics and administrative procedures to allow tens of people to attend ACEEE summer study 2022.
Spot: Dana Robson, Katie Kirbus and Kelly Perce - January 23rd 2017
Exceptional administrative support for the Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division's participation in the Energy Technologies Area Lab Director Area Review.