Energy Efficiency Collaboration Workshop

November 29, 2016

This collaborative workshop, co-sponsored by SENER, the CONACYT-SENER Energy Sustainability Fund (ESF), the Energy Working Group of the UC-Mexico Initiative, and Berkeley Lab's Mexico Energy Initiative, was held November 29 - December 1, 2016, at Casa de la Universidad de California in Mexico City. The event brought together researchers from 10 Mexican institutions, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab to develop research proposal concept notes aimed at helping accelerate the transition to energy efficient buildings and cities in Mexico.

The agenda of discussions covered multiple areas, including energy efficiency strategies for commercial buildings, HVAC technology, policy and market promotion, buildings energy efficiency policy diagnostics; water-energy efficiency in municipal utilities, procurement support for deployment of efficient high quality street lighting and building codes and cities.

Participating Mexican institutions included UNAM (School of Engineering and Institute for Renewable Energy), Tec de Monterrey, Tecnológico Nacional de Mexico, National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE), National Institute for Electricity and Clean Energy (INEEL), Mario Molina Center, Technological Institute for Construction (ITC), Association for Norms and Certification (ANCE) and the World Resources Institute (WRI).