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Our research addresses the most pressing scientific challenges of our time. From developing strategies to improve resilience to extreme weather events, to improving the robustness of our nation's infrastructure, to supporting abundant energy solutions, our research has real-world impact across sectors.

Our researchers are organized into three research Divisions, which are dedicated to science and delivering results that are tangible. Our Divisions host expertise and facilities and foster partnership to bring energy solutions to the world.
California Battery Manufacturing Summit 2024
It's a wrap! In September, Berkeley Lab was honored to host the California Battery Manufacturing Summit 2024, co-organized with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Thought leaders from the U.S. Department of Energy, California Energy Commission, California State Treasurer’s Office, Industry, Local Government, Workforce Organizations, Universities and Laboratories advanced discussions around sustainable battery manufacturing and recycling, innovations in energy storage, and California's leadership in clean energy.
We thank the Scientific Organizing Committee, led by Dr. Gao Liu, Group Leader of the Applied Energy Materials Group, and also included Dr. Vincent Battaglia, Group Leader of the Energy Storage Group, Dr. Jagjit Nanda, Distinguished Scientist at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Dr. Lynn Trahey, Research Technical Manager at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Dr. Johanna Nelson Weker, Lead Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Dr. Jianchao Ye, Staff Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Dr. Marissa Wood, Staff Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Over 300 participants joined the two-day event to brainstorm a path towards creating material and battery pilot production facilities in California.
Stay tuned while we prepare conference proceedings. If you wish to join the coalition of vested stakeholders or be informed about upcoming battery manufacturing events please email [email protected].