2010s to Present

During this decade, the Division and Area built upon its historic research strengths in such areas as building energy technologies, international energy analysis, technical support for appliance/equipment efficiency standards, battery research, indoor environment, and utility resource planning. Research activities increasingly focused on the impacts of climate change and need for resilient, reliability, and affordable energy infrastructures.

2010 - Ashok Gadgil becomes division director

January - Rosenfeld steps down from his position at the California Energy Commission          

March - Experts confirm asteroid impact theory

Asteroid impact rendering from NASAIn an article in Science, an international panel of 41 experts declared that it was an asteroid, not volcanoes, that led to the demise of the dinosaurs. The theory was first put forth in 1980 by one of Berkeley Lab’s greatest scientists, the late Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez, and his son Walter.

May - The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) celebrates its 30th anniversary 

Energy Efficient Economy celebrates its 30th anniversary; as part of the celebration, ACEEE gives Chuck Goldman a Special Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Energy Efficiency Field for his work and the contributions of staff in the Energy Analysis Department and Electricity Markets and Policy Group.

August - Gadgil appointed division director 

Soon thereafter, Kostecki is appointed deputy division director for research.              

September 10 - Reception in cafeteria to welcome Rosenfeld back to the Lab

Art was appointed a distinguished scientist emeritus by Director Alivisatos.

Paul Alivisatos, left, poses with Art Rosenfeld

November - Republicans are majority in House            

December 12 - Kim Williams heads financial modernization

Gadgil announces that Kim Williams will work half time as head of phase 1 of the financial systems modernization project. Melissa Lunden is appointed assistant division director for Environmental Health and Safety.    

Late December - COMPETES Act is reauthorized

Congress reauthorizes the America COMPETES Act, in the process reauthorizing ARPA-E and authorizing the hubs.  

2011 - Changes at the international and division level 

April - Grether's appointment as a rehired retiree comes to an end

Grether had been associated with formation of the division starting in 1972, officially joined the division in 1974, was the deputy division director for 24 years, and continued an active role until this change.

April - Grether becomes a Lab affiliate with a view towards working on division history projects              

March 11 - Tohoku earthquake and tsunami lead to destruction of Fukushima nuclear reactors and concern over future of nuclear power

2012 - Construction begins for new FLEXLAB® facility

November - President Barack Obama is elected to a second term in office

December - Berkeley Lab breaks ground on new FLEXLAB® facility

Lab leadership and distinguished guests from the U.S. Department of Energy, the state of California, utilities and the building industry broke ground on the start of construction for the Facility for Low-Energy eXperiments on Buildings (FLEXLAB®).

2013 - 40th anniversary of the division

January - Ernest Moniz is appointed as U.S. secretary of energy, succeeding Steven Chu

Having two scientists in a row as secretary of energy is unprecedented.

July - Aimee McKane honored

Aimee McKane, deputy group leader, receives the Finegan Standards Medal of the American National Standards Institute

sessler-85th-birthday.jpgDecember - Reception for Andy Sessler's 85 birthday

Andy Sessler established the Environmental Energy Technologies Division (then Energy and Environment) on November 1, 1973, Sessler's first day as Lab Director. In the photo Andy is seated at the table, with his hands clasped and wearing a dark grey sports jacket. The others are notables from the Director's Office; Environmental Energy Technologies Division; Physics; and Accelerator and Fusion Research Division.    

December - Panel discussion for 40th anniversary

Celebration features three panels in the Building 50 Auditorium, followed by a reception. The first panel addresses the early years, with Sessler, Cairns, Budnitz, Rosenfeld an, Don Grether. Invited, but unable to serve on the panel were Jack Hollander and Mark Levine.


2014 - Division becomes Energy Technologies Area

Andy Sessler, left, receives the Fermi Award.February - Andy Sessler receives the Fermi Award, one of the most prestigious U.S. awards in science

Pictured, left to right: Andy Sessler, President Obama and Science Advisor John Holdren

March 30 - Mel Simmons dies at age 70

Simmons was instrumental in the early days of the division, and was the acting deputy head when Bob Budnitz was the acting head.  Mel left the Lab in 1977. Read the obituary.

Andy SesslerApril 17 - Sessler dies

Andrew Marienhoff Sessler passes away at age 85 following a long illness.


Frank AsaroJune 10 - Asaro dies at age 86

Among other accomplishments, Frank Asaro was part of the team that discovered the reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs. See June 6, 1980.    

July 10 - Ribbon cutting for FLEXLAB®

Ribbon-cutting ceremony for FLEXLAB®, a complex in and outside Building 90 proper that will serve to help industry use energy more efficiently in buildings.

FLEXLAB ribbon-cutting

October 6 - New Associate Laboratory Director and three new divisions 

Ramamoorthy Ramesh, the newly appointed associate laboratory director for the Energy Technologies Area, announces that the Environmental Energy Technologies Division's three present departments will become divisions: Building Technologies and Urban Systems; Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts; and Energy Storage and Distributed Resources.

November - Cyclotron Road established

Originally launched in July as a pilot program with the code name "M37," Cyclotron Road provides a home for entrepreneurial technologists whose ideas are too challenging to pursue in a venture-backed startup, specifically in “hard tech” areas like advanced materials, chemistry, and physics.


2015 - Advent of Earth and Environmental Sciences Area

Tihomir NovakovJanuary 2 - Tihomir Novakov dies

Novakov founded the Atmospheric Aerosol Research Group at Berkeley Lab in 1972. The group spawned the now-mainstream field of research on carbonaceous aerosols. Read the obituary and a historical profile.

May - Anubhav Jain receives Department of Energy Early Career Research Program Award

Jain won the award for “Unraveling Principles for Targeted Band Structure Design Using High‐Throughput Computation with Application to Thermoelectrics Materials Discovery”—a project to develop theoretical approaches based on density functional theory calculations to screen for high figure‐of‐merit thermoelectric materials.

June - Ravi Prasher appointed director of Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division

Prasher, a former ARPA-E program director and expert on thermal energy processes, processes, is
appointed director of the ESDR Division, replacing Venkat Srinivasan, who left for Argonne
National Laboratory. 

September – ETA Strategic Planning Retreat

Ramesh convened the first area-wide Strategic Planning Retreat that focused strategic plans for
each division (EAEI, BTUS and ESDR) as well as five ETA Strategic Initiatives: (1) Grid
Modernization (2) Urban Systems (3) R&D for Scale Up (4) Energy/Water, and (5) Sustainable

During the Year - Earth Sciences Division split into two divisions

The Earth Sciences Division becomes the Earth and Environmental Sciences Area with two divisions: Climate and Ecosystems Sciences and Energy Geosciences.

2016 - Michael Witherell appointed Lab director

January - Michael Witherell appointed Lab director

Following a national search and acting on the recommendation of University of California President Janet Napolitano, with the concurrence of U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, the Board of Regents approved Michael Witherell’s appointment as the eighth director of Berkeley Lab. Witherell replaced Paul Alivisatos.

January - Historic new efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners and furnaces

With technical assistance from Berkeley Lab, the U.S. Department of Energy announces historic new efficiency standards for commercial air conditioners and furnaces.

February - Michael Stadler receives Presidential Early Career Award

Stadler, who contributed to the design of the microgrid design tool DER-CAM, was among 106 researchers recognized by President Obama.

November - ETA projects win R&D 100 Awards

Cool Roof Time Machine and Sustainable and Affordable Fluoride Removal (SAFR)—join three other Berkeley Lab projects recognized among the  year's "most technologically significant products."

November – Chuck Goldman steps down as Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts
(EAEI) Division Director

Lynn Price was appointed Acting Division Director.

2017 - Rosenfeld dies

February 1 - Rosenfeld dies

Art Rosenfeld, Berkeley Lab distinguished scientist emeritus, died January 27, 2017 at his home in Berkeley, California. He was 90. Rosenfeld was also known as California’s "godfather" of energy efficiency and has been credited with being personally responsible for billions of dollars in energy savings.

Art Rosenfeld stands before a chalkboard.
June - Lynn Price retires

Tom Kirchstetter steps into Price's role as head of the Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division, while Nan Zhou takes over as head of the International Energy Analysis Department. Later that summer, Price receives an award from the American Council on an Energy-Efficient Economy for her achievement and leadership in the field of industrial energy efficiency.

November - China Energy Group wins R&D 100 Award

The group received the award for its innovative Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for Low-Carbon Cities (BEST Cities), which provides software for low-carbon planning that users can easily install and run.

2018 - Prasher leads ETA

July - Ravi Prasher appointed associate lab director for Energy Technologies Area

Prior to this appointment, Prasher was director of the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, where he led the Lab’s research on batteries, fuel cells, and grid modernization.

November - eProject Builder receives R&D 100 Award

Pete Larsen and his team of researchers received a 2018 R&D 100 Award for eProject Builder, an online data management tool for water/energy retrofits used by customers in the institutional sector (e.g. Federal and state goverments). Cyclotron Road's Opus 12 was co-recipient of a Special Recognition Award.

2019 - Kostecki named director of ESDR

January - Urban Systems Group established

The new group within Building Technologies and Urban Systems is led by Tianzhen Hong, head of the Building Technology Department.

October - Commercial Building Energy Saver (CBES) wins R&D 100 Award

The software toolkit enabling equitable access to building deep retrofit and zero-net energy strategies was among three Berkeley Lab technologies recognized by the awards.

November - Robert Kostecki is appointed director of Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division (ESDR)

Following an international search, Kostecki was appointed director of the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division in the Energy Technologies Area.

Jack HollanderNovember - Jack Hollander dies

Hollander, a well-known nuclear scientist, led what has been described as a “tsunami” of growth in funded projects for the newly founded Energy & Environment Division (now Energy Technologies Area) in the 1970s. Read Grether's remembrance to learn more about Hollander's impact at Berkeley Lab.

2020 - Berkeley Lab Launches the HydroGen 2.0 Consortium

October - Berkeley Lab launches the HydroGen 2.0 Consortium

The HydroGEN 2.0 consortium, as its name suggests, is the second phase of a consortium that was launched in 2017 to accelerate materials discovery for advanced water-splitting technologies for clean, sustainable hydrogen production. Berkeley Lab’s main focus is on photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. 

October - ETA wins three R&D 100 awards

The Energy Technologies Area (ETA) won three R&D 100 awards in the areas of higher energy efficiency in buildings, making lithium batteries safer and development of an innovative tool.

December - Kaur is named leader of new Thermal Energy Group

The Thermal Energy Group is a science-to-technology lab that studies photons and phonons or novel applications in a multitude of thermal, solar, and electrochemical energy devices and systems. The Thermal Energy Group plans to target technologies that hold the potential to substantially improve the performance of industrial thermal processing systems, advance carbon negative efforts, and help meet the global demand for clean water. 

2021 - Berkeley Lab is Awarded over $13 million for EV Battery Research

November - ETA wins one R&D 100 Award

A team led by Wei Tong of the Applied Energy Materials Group in the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division is one of three Berkeley Lab winners of an R&D 100 Award for 2021. The team developed a unique layered-rocksalt intergrown cathode material for a new generation of lithium-ion batteries that offers higher capacity, faster charging time, superior cycling, thermal stability, and significantly lower raw material production cost.

November - Berkeley Lab is awarded more than $13 million for EV Battery Research 

Berkeley Lab was awarded more than $13 million for five research projects that will accelerate the development of advanced lithium batteries and smart, connected vehicles, making it easier to switch to electric vehicles. Three of the five Berkeley Lab projects are to develop solid state lithium batteries, which have the potential to be safer and have much higher energy density than conventional lithium-ion batteries.

2022 - Buildings Consortium “Stor4Build” is Launched

August - ETA wins seven R&D awards

Seven innovative Berkeley Lab technologies developed in ETA were recognized. These projects help improve battery performance and recyclability, increase energy efficiency, diagnose disease, and generate green hydrogen. 

November - Breunig is named Co-Director of HyMARC

Berkeley Lab research scientist Hanna Breunig was named co-director of the Hydrogen Materials Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC). Breunig serves as Deputy-Head of the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Systems Department within the Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts (EAEI) Division of Berkeley Lab. HyMARC was formed to address the scientific gaps blocking the advancement of solid-state hydrogen storage materials – a joint effort between Berkeley Lab, Sandia National Laboratories, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

November - Buildings Consortium “Stor4Build” is launched

Stor4Build is a consortium on energy storage for buildings that will accelerate the growth, optimization, and deployment of storage technologies. The consortium is co-led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

2023 - Mary Anne Piette is named Associate Director for Energy Technologies

August - Mary Anne Piette is named Associate Director for Energy Technologies

Mary Ann Piette, whose research has been foundational to improving energy efficiency of existing buildings and integrating flexible building technologies with the electric grid, has been appointed Associate Laboratory Director of the Energy Technologies Area. The appointment, which took effect August 2, follows a national search. Piette has served as the interim ALD of ETA since October, 2022.

August - ETA wins two R&D awards for innovative technologies

For the first time this year, R&D Magazine presented Professional Awards to individuals and teams. In this new category, ETA’s Ashok Gadgil received the 2023 R&D Leader of the Year Award and ETA’s Energy Management System team received the 2023 R&D Team of the Year. Berkeley Lab’s winning technologies improve research tools, generate green hydrogen, provide software tools for materials discovery, and figure out the future of charging stations for electric vehicles.

September - Berkeley Lab is awarded two new centers

The Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) will host two new centers dedicated to advancing clean energy technology and combating climate change. The awards are part of DOE’s Energy Earthshots Initiative that launched in 2021 with the goal of speeding up technological breakthroughs and lowering costs.

October - Ashok Gadgil receives National Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Biden at the White House

During a ceremony at the White House on Oct. 24, President Biden awarded Berkeley Lab retired Faculty Senior Scientist Ashok Gadgil the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement. Gadgil was awarded the medal for his life’s work, including the development of low­-cost solutions to some of the developing world’s most intractable problems, including safe drinking water technologies, energy-efficient stoves, and ways to make efficient electric lighting affordable.

December - Berkeley Lab’s Energy Technologies Area celebrates its 50th Anniversary 

From early discovery to exciting SLAM talks on current initiatives to the impact of ETA's work outside of Berkeley Lab and a look toward the future, ETA researchers and staff from past and present came together with industry leaders to celebrate.

2024- Granderson is Appointed Director of BTUS

April - Granderson is appointed Director of the Building Technology and Urban Systems Division

Jessica Granderson, a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), has been named director of the Building Technology and Urban Systems (BTUS) Division in the Energy Technologies Area. Her appointment is effective immediately and follows an extensive international search.

July - FLEXLAB celebrates its 10th Anniversary

On July 18, Berkeley Lab celebrated a big anniversary: It’s been 10 years since FLEXLAB® opened its doors as the world's most advanced integrated building and grid technologies testbed. In that time, FLEXLAB has supported numerous projects centered around decarbonized infrastructure and healthy communities — from helping small building owners identify cost-effective electrification retrofit options to evaluating a control approach for HVAC systems to provide frequency regulation.

August - Berkeley Lab's ETA wins one R&D award

Berkeley Lab’s winning technologies improve wastewater treatment and develop software for autonomous labs of the future.

September - The Energy Storage Research Alliance (ESRA) is created 

ESRA brings together nearly 50 world-class researchers from three national laboratories and 12 universities to provide the scientific underpinning to address the nation’s most pressing battery challenges, including safety, high-energy density, and long-duration batteries made from inexpensive, abundant materials. ESRA’s primary aim is to push the boundaries of energy storage science to drive technological innovation and strengthen U.S. economic competitiveness.

September - Gadgil receives the Bayh-Dole Coalition’s American Innovator Award

Ashok Gadgil, a retired faculty senior scientist in the Energy Technologies Area of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and a UC Berkeley Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering, was featured in the Bayh-Dole Coalition's second annual "Faces of American Innovation" report for his role in developing a powerful light-based water disinfector.